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Glenview terrace 6 Glen View Terrace,Ballyhooly Road, Cork, cork, T23 X5P0Description:
Construction of a new extension of single and two storeys to the rear of the existing dwelling. Material alterations to the existing front elevation. Reconfiguration of the existing ground and first floor existing walls.
Construction of bungalow at no 4 St. Helen's Court 4 St Helen's Court, Croaghta Park, Glasheen , Cork, corkDescription:
Construction of bungalow at no 4 St. Helen's Court
SMHC Heather House Day Room and Link extension, alterations & refurbishment to Existing Building Dementia Unit/Community Nursing Unit, Heather House, St. Mary's Health Campus, Baker's Road, Gurranebraher, , Cork, Cork, T23 FFX9Description:
Extension to include a link corridor and Day Room extension, alterations/refurbishment to the existing building and all associated works
Belview Wood, Moneygurney Belview Wood, Maryborough Ridge, Moneygurney, Douglas, corkDescription:
The construction of 36 no 2-storey dwelling houses and associated site works. This is Phase 1g of a multi-phase development consisting of the construction of a total of 447 no residential units (313 houses, 134 apartments), creche & associated site works.
Residential Development at No 1-50, The Manor & No. 1-24, Manor View, Heathfield, Ballincollig, Cork Heathfield, Carriganarra, Ballincollig, corkDescription:
Residential Development at No. 1-50, The Manor & No. 1-24, Manor View, Heathfield, Carriganarra, Carrigrohane, Ballincollig, Cork of 74 no residential units and all ancillary site development works. The proposed development consists of the construction of 4 no. 4 bedroom detached houses,30 no. 4 bedroom semi-detached houses, 16 no. 3 bedroom semi-detached houses, 12 no. 3 bedroom townhouses and 12 no. 2 bedroom townhouses. Access to the proposed development will be provided via new entrances from the existing Heathfield estate.
Extension to 20 Ardmahon Estate COUMEENOLE, 20 ARDMAHON ESTATE,, WELL ROAD, cork, T12 H6DEDescription:
Alterations and extensions to an existing dwelling including a 2-storey pitched roof side extension, a single-storey flat roof rear extension, a porch canopy at the front door and associated site work.
Alterations to the Cardiology reception area at Bon Secours Hospital, College Road Cork T12 DV56. College Road, Cork, cork, T12 DV56Description:
Alterations to the Cardiology reception area at Bon Secours Hospital
Application No.: -
Cadence Fit-out, Ground Floor, Penrose 1 Penrose One, Penrose Dock, Cork, cork, T23 KW81Description:
Material alterations for the office fit-out for Cadence in an existing office space on the ground floor of Penrose 1, Penrose Dock.
Application No.: -
21 The Groves 21 The Groves, Blarney, cork, T23 RC96Description:
Demolition of single - storey extension to the rear, construction of single storey extension to the side and rear, and all associated site works. at : 21 The Groves, Shean Lower, Blarney, Co. Cork
Unit 3B, The Cornmarket Centre Unit 3B, The Cornmarket Centre, Cornmarket Street, , Cork, Cork, T12 A3V7