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7no. dwelling houses at Herbert Lawn, Belmont, Rochestown, Cork. [House Nos 11, 12 & 19-23] Herbert Lawn, Belmont, , Monfieldstown, Rochestown, Cork,Description:
Construction of 7no. dwelling houses at Herbert Lawn, Belmont, Monfieldstown, Rochestown, Cork. [House Nos 11, 12 & 19-23]
Construction of a Bungalow Killishal, Ballygrohan, Killard, , Blarney, corkDescription:
Construction of a flat roofed bungalow(Change of design from that permitted under 19/38611), connection to new foul sewer and all associated works at Killishal, Ballygrohan, Killard, Blarnry, Cork. T23WK10
80-144, 214-224 Arderrow ballyvolane Arderrow, ballyhooly road, Ballyvolane, Cork, , Cork, Cork,Description:
Construction of 76 no. new dwelling houses and associated site works, nos. 80 to 144, 214 to 224, all inclusive, Arderrow, ballyvolane, Cork.
Rear Extension at 6 Glashaboy Woods Glanmire No 6, Glashaboy Woods, Sallybrook, Glanmire, Cork, cork, T45 XN81Description:
Construction of 20m² Single Storey Rear Extension with Flat Roof
Application No.: -
UPMC Sports Medicine/Performance suite Mardyke Arena, Mardyke Walk, , Cork, Cork, T12 N1FKDescription:
Conversion of existing first floor fitness suite to provide a sports medicine/performance suite at UCC Mardyke Arena, Mardyke Walk Cork
Application No.: -
Extensions to Dwellinghouse at No.20, Bracken Wood, Blarney, Cork 20 Bracken Wood,, Blarney, cork, T23 P584Description:
Construction of 1 & 2-storey extensions to rear & side of an existing dwellinghouse and all associated works at 20 Bracken Wood, Blarney, Cork.
48-78 Springhill, Ballinglana, Glanmire Springhill, , Cork, Cork,Description:
Construction of 31 no. new dwelling houses and associated site works, nos. 48-78 inclusive Springhill, Ballinglana, Glanmire, Cork.
Construction of single storey extension, and all other associated site works at Osbourne, Victoria Road, Cork. Osborne, Victoria Road, Cork, cork, T12 X98XDescription:
Construction of single storey extension to southwestern side of dwelling with alterations to the existing southwestern elevation along with alterations to the proposed boundary wall to Kingston Avenue as previously permitted under 20/39578 at Osborne, Victoria Road, Cork.
Amalgamation of house and garage 20-21 Ballyhooly Road, Ballyhooly Road, Dillons Cross, Cork City, cork, 0000000Description:
Amalgamation of house and garage to single unit, change from flat roof to pitched roof and change of use of garage to use as part of the house
62 WOODVALE ROAD 62 WOODVALE ROAD, BEAUMONT, Cork, cork, T12 YYT9Description:
The demolition of existing single storey annex and the construction of a new two storey extension to the rear and single storey extension to the side of existing dwelling, alterations to existing windows and doors and associated site works at 62 Woodvale Road, Beaumont, Cork .