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88 Sunday's Well Road, Cork. 88 Sunday's Well Road, Cork, cork, T23 VF34Description:
change of use of existing vacant shop and ancillary stores to residential use, provide 1 no. ground floor studio apartment and 1 no. one-bedroom apartment on two levels, for all associated elevational changes including entrances and steps, on ground floor and part first floor of existing 3/4 storey building
Heiton Steel Heiton Steel, Ardrostig, , Bishopstown, Cork,Description:
single storey, single room extension to existing warehouse building and associated site works at Heiton Steel, Ardrostig, Bishopstown, Cork T12 PH24
Extension to 1 Steeplewoods 1 Steeplewoods, Carrigrohane, cork, T12 FD6VDescription:
Extension to existing dwelling house and associated works
St Josephs NS, Mardyke Walk - Temporary Accommodation Mardyke Walk, , Cork, Cork, T12 YY07Description:
Single storey prefabricated building to facilitate special education needs education at St. Joseph’s National School, Mardyke, Cork
Application No.: -
Construction of a detached single storey modular classroom building at Douglas Community School, Douglas, Cork Douglas Community School, Clermont Avenue, , Cork, Cork,Description:
Construction of a detached single storey modular classroom building at Douglas Community School, Douglas, Cork. (Eircode: T12 HF77)
Application No.: -
PBC Boat Storage Shed Vacant lands to the east of Lee Rowing Club, The Marina, , Cork, Cork,Description:
Construction of a single-storey, 365sqm boat storage shed, with associated compound and set-down area, lighting, replacement of existing boundary treatments, 2 no. new gated pedestrian and vehicular access points at the northern boundary of the site, providing access to the Marina, SUDs, service provision and all associated site works.
Quest Cork Level 2 City Gate Mahon, Block C, Cork, cork, T12 HD21Description:
Internal alterations to Level 2 of Quest Cork Building consisting of subdivision of existing office space into two offices
Application No.: -
Apartment Block E2 - Cooney's Lane, Grange, Co. Cork 199 -207, Block E2, Meadow Brome, Cooneys Lane, , Cork, Cork,Description:
Meadow Brome E2 - Construction of 1 no. apartment block with 9no. units No's 199-207. Which has been permitted under An Bord Pleanala Ref ABP-303098-1 and all ancillary site works.
Former Exchange Building, Douglas East Douglas Street, Douglas, Cork, cork, -Description:
Change of Use of existing 3 storey vacant commercial building into 8no. Apartments with retention of commercial space to ground floor. Works involve a material change of use and material alterations at The Former Exchange Building, East Douglas Street, Douglas, Cork.
Application No.: -
Merton, Model Farm Road Merton,, Model Farm Road, corkDescription:
Construction of a residential development consisting of 8 no. residential units and all associated site development works including access, parking, footpaths, drainage, bin storage, landscape and amenity areas.