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Montenotte Hotel - Woodland Suites Phase 01 Montenotte Hotel, Middle Glanmire Road, Cork, corkDescription:
The construction of 9 no. single storey residential units and 1 no. single storey residential amenities building on the grounds of the Montenotte Hotel at Middle Glanmire Road, Cork.
Hope Cork Ballyphehane Preschool facility Fitout Joe Murphy Road, Cork, cork, T12 YH04Description:
Preschool facility Fit-out at Ground Floor Presentation Secondary School, Joe Murphy Road, Ballyphehane, Cork T12YH04 and associated site works
No.2 Glenshee Waterfall Road Glenshee, Waterfall Road, Bishopstown,, Cork. T12 N4C2, corkDescription:
Construction of a New Dwelling house (No.2 Glenshee) and associated site works.
Hollywood Drive Infill Housing Development Hollywood Estate, , Cork, Cork,Description:
The proposed development, named Hollywood Drive, is located at Hollywood Estate, Hollyhill, Cork. Includes:- • Demolition of boundary walls and construction of a new road connecting to the access from Hollywood Estate. • Construction of 7 No. 2 bedroom, one and a half storey units. • Construction of a new wall separating the GAA club from the site. • Construction of 3 No. car parking spaces.
Suncroft Model Farm Road, Cork, cork, T12 T9F6Description:
Extensions and Alterations to existing two-storey dwelling, plus single storey detached garage / home office.
SOHO 77 Grand Parade, Cork, cork, T12 NF70Description:
This project consists of material alterations at ground floor level and mezzanine level. Extension at mezzanine level.
Application No.: -
Fit Out Works Mango 106-107 Saint Patrick's Street, Cork, cork, T12 V293Description:
FIt Out Works Relating to material alterations to existing Unit 2, Savoy Shopping Centre to house a Mango Store at 106-107 St Patrick Street, Cork.
El Rosario, Well Road, Douglas, Cork. El Rosario, Well Road, Douglas, corkDescription:
Construction of a dwelling house, alterations to an existing vehicular entrance and all associated site works at El Rosario, Well Road, Douglas, Cork.
No.1 Glenshee Waterfall Road Glenshee, Waterfall Road, Bishopstown,, Cork. T12 N4C2, corkDescription:
Construction of a New Dwelling house (No.1 Glenshee) and associated site works
Lidl Glanmire DRS Riverstown, Glanmire, cork, T45 EH72Description:
The proposed construction of a DRS room and entrance lobby extension at the existing Lidl Discount Retail Store Glanmire