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    The construction of a new single-storey extension to the rear of my existing dwelling, including internal alterations and all associated site works

    22/41514 View details
  • Proposed single classroom at CSN College of Further Education, Tramore Road, Cork, T12 AC91 CSN College of Further Education, Tramore Road,, Cork, cork

    Provision of single classroom building to facilitate construction of new school building at CSN College of Further Education, Tramore Road, Cork, T12 AC91. Building consists of 1no. classrooms and sanitary facilities.

    Application No.:
    View details
  • 2148 Killard Killard, Blarney, cork, T23 HK73

    extension to existing dwelling house, alterations to existing elevations and all associated works

    21/40650 View details
  • Housing Development at Fairfield View, Upper Fairhill 32 - 47 Fairfield View, Upper Fairhill, , Cork, Cork,

    Construction of 16no. apartment units, No's 32-47 which is part of the construction of 46no. houses at the Fairfield housing development and all ancillary site works.

    21/40732 View details
  • Proposed Creche building at Heathfield, Ballincollig, Cork Heathfield, Carriganarra, Carrigrohane, Ballincollig, cork

    Construction of a single storey creche building of masonry construction.

    23/41785 View details
  • Rear extension at 23 Belvedere lawn, Douglas 23 Belvedere Lawn, Douglas Road, Cork, cork, T12 YY3C

    Construction of a single storey rear extension and all associated works

    23/41767 View details
  • C1020 Loreto Park Eden, Loreto Park, South Douglas Road, Cork, cork, T12 X7F3

    alterations & extensions to dwelling house, consisting of a front porch extension & a two storey side extension, elevational changes including external insulation, widening of entrance & increase height of boundary wall, and all associated site works

    23/41769 View details
  • O' Connell Court O'Connell Court, Lehenagh More, Togher, Cork, , Cork, Cork, T12 DT97

    Retention for the partial change of use form hotel to support accommodation/assisted living comprising of 44 no. suites and associated ancillary services including offices, treatment rooms, activity room and kitchen; Permission for demolition of the remainder of hotel building; Construction of an extension to provide for 46 no. additional accommodation suites and ancillary uses including administration/support services, dining areas and communal spaces; and all associated site works which include alterations to elevations of existing building, alterations to the existing entrance, bicycle parking, car parking, landscaping an amenity areas

    18/07235 View details
  • Alterations and refurbishment works at 7 Anglesea Villas, Anglesea Street, Ballintemple, Cork City 7 Anglesea Villas, Anglesea Street,, Cork, cork, T12 KNX9

    Conversion of an existing 3 storey dwelling into 1 No. ground floor studio apartment and 1 No. duplex apartment at 1st / 2nd floor level.

    2241328 View details
  • Opt out - Alterations and Extension to Dwelling at ‘Rowan House’, Poulavone, Ballincollig, Cork, ‘Rowan House’, Poulavone,, Ballincollig, cork, P31 AD98

    Opt out - Alterations and 2 storey Extension to Dwelling and all associated site works at ‘Rowan House’, Poulavone, Ballincollig, Cork

    22/41311 View details



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