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No 7 Woodleigh park No 7 Woodleigh Park, Model Farm Road, Cork, cork, T12 DK3CDescription:
Construction of a single/two storey extension to the rear and side of the existing dwelling, material alterations to existing facades, new front entrance canopy, demolition of existing garage, boiler house and external WC and all associated site work
C933 - Maryborough Ridge 12 Hazel Hill, Maryborough Ridge, Douglas, cork, T12 FVY1Description:
alterations & extension to dwelling, consisting of a 2 storey side extension & all associated site works
First Floor Extension to the side of Dwelling 10 Bellevue Grove, Frankfield, Cork, cork, T12 P97CDescription:
Construction of a first floor extension to the side of dwelling.
Extension to 8 Oakdale, Briarscourt No.8 Oakdale, Briarscourt, Shanakiel, cork, T23 N9X4Description:
Demolish existing ground floor extension at the rear and existing porch at the front of existing dwelling. Construct a ground floor extension at the front, rear and side of existing dwelling. Construct a new boundary wall and gate at the side of existing dwelling. Relocation of existing vehicular access at the front of dwelling and proposed hard surfacing of the area to the front of the premises.
EW9634 Dunlocha Cottages, Blackrock, Cork. site to the rear of 28 Dunlocha Cottages, Rope Walk, Blackrock, Cork, corkDescription:
Construction of a one-off dwelling.
41 Woodvale Road 41 Woodvale Road, Beaumont , Cork, cork, T12 F2AXDescription:
Construction of two storey extension and alterations to all elevations
gleann fia ph 5a - 1 willow close, 6 to 8 willow close No. 1 Willow Close & Nos. 6-8 Willow Close, Gleann Fia, bawnafinney, Tower, Blarney, Cork, Gleann Fia, Tower,, Blarney, corkDescription:
Construction of 4 dwellings and associated site works at No. 1 Willow Close & Nos. 6 to 8 Willow Close (inclusive), Gleann Fia, Tower, Blarney, Cork.
Units 1-30 Ashbrook, Riverstown, Glanmire, Cork Ashbrook, Riverstown, , Glanmire, Cork,Description:
Construction of 3no. three storey buildings comprising 30no. dwelling units at Ashbrook, Riverstown, Glanmire, Cork. [Unit Nos 1-30]
Extension and Alterations to Two Storey Dwellinghouse 77 Willowbank, Church Road ,Blackrock,Cork , Cork, cork, T12 V244Description:
Take down existing dormer window and associated roof and form a new full 2 storey element in lieu of same to match the roof of the house proper 2. Revise the layout of the existing bay-window and canopy at ground floor level and form a new combined bay-window and canopy layout. 3. Form new window in south elevation at 1st floor level 4. Install new windows and entrance door to the east elevation 5. Carry out all other associated ancillary works and site works
C1021- Browningstown 42 Browningstown Park West, Douglas, Cork, cork, T12 F5C6Description:
alterations & extensions to dwelling; consisting of a 2 storey side extension & single storey rear extension, external insulation, new rooflight & all associated site works including demolition of existing shed