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Material Alterations to existing single storey educational structure No.1 Saint Flannan St. Nenagh, Tipperary, E45 AX68Description:
a) Alterations to boundary walls to accommodate pedestrian access to site from adjoining National school. Planning Permission for b) Change of use from existing single storey detached GP surgery to educational facility, (ancillary to adjoining school), and internal alterations to facilitate same. c) Alterations to rear exterior Southwest to facilitate new fire escape doors/ route. d) All associated Site works
New Dwelling House at Ballyoughter, Rathcabbin, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary. Ballyoughter,, , Rathcabbin, Tipperary,Description:
the construction of a new dwelling house, wastewater treatment system, new entrance and all associated site works
Construct a detached garage at Lissadober, Carrick On Suir, Co. Tipperary Lissadober,, , Carrick-on-Suir, Tipperary,Description:
A detached garage
OPT OUT Construct a new 2 storey dwelling, new entrance,wastewater treatment system at Lissadober, Carrick On Suir, Co. Tippera Lissadober, , Lisadobber, Tipperary,Description:
a new 2 storey dwelling, new entrance, wastewater treatment system and associated site works
Haybarn at Castleblake, Rosegreen, Cashel, Co. Tipperary Castleblake, , Rosegreen, Tipperary,Description:
Haybarn at Castleblake, Rosegreen, Cashel, Co. Tipperary
BALLYWIRE HOUSE Ballywire House, Kilross, Tipperary, E34 N738Description:
The conservation and restoration of the former ballroom, mews house and tower house and all associated site works on and under land at Ballywire house, Kilross, co . Tipperary
New sustainable dwelling at Tullow, Ardfinnan Tullow, , Ardfinnan, Tipperary,Description:
a) the development of a single-storey sustainable dwelling, b) the installation of a septic tank and percolation area, c) the set back and upgrade of the existing agricultural roadside entrances and all associated site works
Extension at Sadlierswells JH Sadllierswells, , Tipperary, Tipperary, E34 K635Description:
modifications to dwelling consisting of three windows to western elevation and two velux roof lights to rear of dwelling and to construct front porch and extension to dwelling and to install new septic tank and percolation area
Extension Barnadomeeney DK Barnadomeeny, , Rearcross, Tipperary, V94 F97TDescription:
an extension to the rear of house
Change of use - Friar Street Friar Street, , Thurles, Tipperary, E41 VF85Description:
Full planning permission for change of use of ground floor retail premises to residential to incorporate the existing first floor residential to a single dwelling unit with all associated siteworks and elevational changes to the shop front at Friar Street, Thurles, Co. Tipperary. E41VF85.