12 Greenview
Print pageDevelopment location:
12 Green View, Riverway, South Douglas Road, Cork, cork, T12 WR1C
Single and two storey extension to the rear of an existing dwelling, elevational alterations to the side at first floor level and all other associated works.
Notice type:
Commencement Notice with Opt Out Declaration
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Wednesday, 26 April, 2023
Submission date:
Wednesday, 12 April, 2023
Owner name:
Gerard Harrington
Owner address:
12 Green View Riverway, South Douglas Road, Cork, cork, T12WR1C
Builder name:
Tom O'Sullivan
Builder address
28 Greenhills Estate
South Douglas Road
Cork, Cork, cork
Designer name:
Simon Forrest
Designer address
22 The Courtyard
Abbeywood, Midleton, cork