70 Camden Street, Dublin 2
Print pageDevelopment location:
70 Camden Street, , Dublin, Dublin 2, D02 X864
Permission for the following alterations and extension to no. 70 Camden Street Lower, Dublin 2, D02 X864, a three storey over basement level terrace building with a part single, part two storey return:
Creation of two new apartments and alterations to an existing apartment to create three apartments, one three bedroom and two, two bedrooms. The development will include the demolition of an existing part single storey part two storey return, the construction of a part single storey part four storey new return and the construction of a new set back extension at roof level and an increase in roof ridge level and new windows at roof level at the front and rear.
A terrace amenity space will be provided for each apartment at first, second and third floor return level and at roof level.
Ground floor alterations to include changes to shop unit and a new shopfront along with 4 no. cycle spaces and bin storage at ground floor level and new basement access from shop unit.
Notice type:
Commencement Notice With Compliance Documentation
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Monday, 14 October, 2024
Submission date:
Friday, 27 September, 2024
Owner name:
Jas Rait
Owner company:
Right-Click Ltd
Owner address:
Largo House , 166 Rathmines Road Lower, Rathmines, Dublin 6, Dublin, D06 CK33
Builder name:
Conor Grealis
Builder address
28A Allen Park Road, Blackrock, Dublin, A94 C673
Designer name:
ken meehan
Designer address
ballymoney strand, gorey, Wexford, y25 wp64
Assigned Certifier Name:
ken meehan
Assigned Certifier address
ballymoney strand, gorey, Wexford, y25 wp64