77 Abbeyfield, Dublin 5
Print pageDevelopment location:
77 Abbeyfield, Killester, dublin_5
Retention permission is sought for an existing flat roof
dormer window (1no.) to rear of existing building. Planning permission
is sought for construction of single storey extensions to front, side
(with roof light) and rear, alterations to all elevations including new
chimney to eastern side of building, pitched roof dormer to front,
eyelid dormer to front, landscaping to front and all associated site
Notice type:
Commencement Notice With Compliance Documentation
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Monday, 15 June, 2015
Submission date:
Friday, 29 May, 2015
Owner name:
Dermot Gough
Builder name:
David Moran
Designer name:
Jason Tyler
Designer address
The Mash House, Distillery Lofts, Design StudiosDistillery Road, dublin_3
Assigned Certifier Name:
Jason Tyler
Assigned Certifier address
The Mash House, Distillery Lofts, Design StudiosDistillery Road, dublin_3