Portlaoise Parish Schools Amalgamation, Aughnaharna, Portlaoise proceeding to site under SI 105
Print pageDevelopment location:
Aughnaharna, Portlaoise, laois
The construction of a Junior Primary School, a Senior Primary School, a School GP Hall , and all associated site works including 2no. access roads off existing roundabout. It is proposed to construct each of the schools in 2 phases. Phase 1 will comprise a 24 classroom Junior School (4515m2), a 24 classroom Senior School (4350m2) and the combined School GP hall (573m2). Phase 2 which may be completed at a later date, will comprise an additional 8 classrooms for the Junior School (656m2) and an additional 8 classrooms to the Senior school (756m2). The site works to the school grounds will consist of the provision of associated car parking spaces, drop-off and pick-up facilities; bicycle parking, ball courts, external store; bin stores, ESB sub-station associated landscaping, boundary treatments and all ancillary site works and will be completed as part of Phase 1. This project is proceeding to Site under SI 105 Ref No. SI-105-04.
Notice type:
Commencement Notice With Compliance Documentation
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Tuesday, 28 October, 2014
Submission date:
Friday, 10 October, 2014
Owner name:
John Byrne
Owner address:
Parish Centre
St. Peter & Pauls Church, Portlaoise, laois
Builder name:
Dominic Harkin
Builder address
59 Crevenagh Road, Co.Tyrone, Omagh, BT79 0EX
Designer name:
Jackie Carroll
Designer address
MCOH Architects Old Church, Church Street, Portlaoise, laois
Assigned Certifier Name:
Jackie Carroll
Assigned Certifier address
MCOH Architects Old Church, Church Street, Portlaoise, laois