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1671 results

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  • OPT OUT Aine Byrne & Conor O Leary Tynock, Kiltegan, carlow

    OPT OUT Extension to two storey dwelling, alterations and all associated site works to existing house at Tynock, Kiltegan, Co. Carlow.

    15/155 View details
  • MSD Ireland Warehouse Extension Dublin Road, Pollerton Little & Oakpark, Carlow, carlow

    Development at MSD Ireland, Dublin Road, Pollerton Little and Oakpark, Carlow. The proposed development will consist of a new warehouse extension to the north west corner of the existing MSD main production warehouse and is lodged pursuant to permission for enabling works and utlilities on the subject site granted under Carlow County Council File Ref. No. 15287. The proposed warehouse extension is c.937sq.m (height c.12.2m). Ancillary external works will consist of 2 lay-bys off existing access road (with alterations to lay-by under File Ref No. 15287), a new power generator (on new concrete plinth), liquid nitrogen storage tank (c.12.5m high) on a concrete plinth, with palisade fence; all on a site measuring approximately 0.29 hectacres.

    1615 View details
  • OPT OUT - Erection of a dwelling house with connection to public services Tullowphelim, Tullow, carlow

    OPT OUT - Construction of a dwelling house with connection to public services, domestic garage & associated site works.

    15/335 View details
  • Topaz Off Line Filling Station Rathcrogue, Wexford Road, Carlow, carlow

    construction of an off line motorway services area comprising of the following:- 1). An amenity building of 841.5sq.m gross floor area and including an convenience shop (100sq.m. net retail area), a food court with deli/coffee area and cafe/restaurant with ancillary drive through facility and seating areas, ancillary storage, toilets including 24hr facility, food preparation, staff and service areas with bin storage and service yards to its rear. 2). An ESB Substation and switchroom (24.sqm.) 3). A forecourt area comprising of a canopy with an illuminated facia and 6 No. fuel pump islands; car servicing area, a separate three No. pump island HCV refuelling area with canopy over, an ADR parking area, 3 No. 40,000 and 4 No. 60,000 litre underground fuel storage tanks with associated pipework and overground fill points, electric car charging points, car wash facility with plant room (7.2sq.m.) and a children’s play/picnic area. 4). Parking to comprise of 132 No. car parking spaces (including six disabled parking spaces), 14 No. HCV parking spaces, 4 No. coach parking spaces, 5 No. motorbike parking spaces and 6 No. bicycle stands. 5). The development also consist of the modification of the existing roadways to create a roundabout and new vehicular access; corporate signage through the site; drainage works including attenuation and all associated boundary treatment, landscaping, infrastructural and site development works at a 7.487acre site

    14342 / PL01.244762 View details
  • OPT OUT Construction of Dwelling at Ullard More, Myshall, Co Carlow Ullard More, Myshall, carlow

    OPT OUT the construction of a bungalow style dwelling, domestic garage, onsite wastewater treatment system, connection to existing watermain and all associated site development works

    15253 View details
  • Two storey dwelling and associated site works at Kilcoole, Rathoe, Co. Carlow. Kilcoole, Rathoe, carlow

    Full planning permission is sought to amend previously granted planning permission PL Ref: 15/276. The amendments consist of alterations to the elevations of the already proposed, not yet constructed dwelling, that has been previously granted planning permission. Also internal layout alterations and all associated site works including domestic garage

    16/8 View details
  • Agricultural shed Cloghristick, Milford, carlow

    Alterations to shed design for use as a grain store as well as relocating the proposed shed within the farmyard from that previously granted under planning reg number 12/66 along with all associated site works

    15152 View details
  • Extensions - St. Lazerian's House Royal Oak Road, Bagenalstown, carlow

    Single storey extensions to front and side of existing building

    15/49 View details
  • Agricultural shed Cloghristick, Milford, carlow

    Construction of an agricultural shed for use as a straw bedded cattle shed, along with cattle crush, concrete apron, concrete tank fro run off and all associated site works at CLoghristick, Milford, Co.Carlow

    15252 View details
  • Extension to existing dwelling, Rathellen, Leighlinbridge Rathellen, Leighlinbridge, carlow

    Construction of a single storey extension to existing dwelling and associated works, Rathellen, Leighlinbridge, Co. Carlow

    15/125 View details



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