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20 Spencer Street North, Dublin 3 20 Spencer Street North, Fairview, dublin_3Description:
extension to 20 Spenser street north
Adam Doherty Dwelling Ballyloskey, Carndonagh, donegalDescription:
Dwelling, Domestic Garage & Treatment
Extension and alterations to shop Fountain Street, Ferrybank, waterfordDescription:
change of use from domestic to commercial use, new shop front and signage, removing first floor and demolition and rebuilding rear extension (single storey) and all associated site works
James & Deirdre O Donovan - Private Dwelling Gortnaclogh, Ballinhassig, corkDescription:
The construction of a private dwelling, garage and associated site works.
21 Charleville Road, Dublin 6 21 Charleville Road, Rathmines, dublin_6Description:
Opening up of spine wall to join front and rear rooms to form new family kitchen/living room to lower ground floor level, new bathroom, minor internal alterations, removal of existing garden shed and new iron railings to external front steps.
Joseph Harrington Private Dwelling Knocknagallagh, Bandon, corkDescription:
The construction of a private dwelling and associated site works
Karen McHugh Ballineadig, Farran, corkDescription:
Construction of a storey and a half type dwelling house and domestic garage with storage space over at Ballineadig, Farran, Co. Cork for Karen McHugh.
Westin Hotel Expansion, Dublin 2 Westin Hotel, College Green, Westmoreland Street, dublin_2Description:
Modifications to 3rd and 4th floor administration space to provide 9no. Additional bedrooms, with east terrace on 3rd floor and replacement of existing roof lights.
Stephen O'Malley & Kate Clarke Keenagh Beg, Ballina, mayoDescription:
Shane Duane - New House, Lisheenkyle, Oranmore Lisheenkyle, Oranmore, galwayDescription:
Construction of a new Dwelling House including the provision of a garage, on site sewage treatment system, site access and all associated site works.