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DPD Ireland Hub Expansion Athlone Business Park, Athlone , westmeathDescription:
Extension of existing Sorting Hall, the construction of a new warehouse, the addition of a floor within the existing warehouse, modifications to the gatehouse, the extension of the existing car park and ancillary site works
Realt Na Mara, 2015 Mill Street, Dundalk, louthDescription:
2- detached prefabricated classrooms to existing school complex in single storey.
Tramore ETNS Pond Road, Tramore, waterfordDescription:
Alterations & Refurbishment of Tramore Educate Together National School,including new general classrooms and sanitary facilitates.
Squealing Pig Bar Extension Glaslough Street, Monaghan, monaghanDescription:
Change of Use to be included as an extension of the existing bar together with signage & all associated works
Kelly - Demolish wall No. 8 St. Paul's Terrace, Church View, Tuam, galwayDescription:
Change existing front lawn to a tarmacadum vehicular parking area and to demolish a section of railings and wall
Maxol Station at Old Navan Road Mulhuddart Old Navan Road, Mulhuddart, dublin_15Description:
New service station, forecourt, canopy, car parking, HGV parking and other site services to facilitate the development.
14 Iona Park, Dublin 9 14 Iona Park, Glasnevin, dublin_9Description:
Conversion of existing attic for use as a habitable space, including the provision of two dormer windows on the rear elevation and 1 velux roof light on the front elevation, together with all associated ancillary structural and roof works.
Joan Mulvihill Ardmore Road, Mullingar, westmeathDescription:
Proposed alterations and extensions to existing dwelling.
Residential Development at 32 Luttrellstown Dale, Diswellstown Road, Castleknock, Dublin 15 32 Luttrellstown Dale Diswellstown Road,, Castleknock, dublin_15Description:
Single storey extension of the building with adjustment of existing utility room roof to the rear with internal modification and all ancillary works
Ratoath College Extension Jamestown, Ratoath, meathDescription:
Circa 3,288 sqm two-storey stand alone school extension to provide 25 new teaching spaces, a special needs unit, toilets, ancillary accommodation, necessary circulation including 3 new stair cores, with associated site works and alterations to the existing school building.