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Extension to House at Boycetown, Kiltale, Dunsany, Co.Meath Boycetown, Kiltale, Dunsany, meathDescription:
Alterations and a single storey extension to existing dwelling, construction of a new pitched roof to the existing dwelling incorporating habitable attic space with dormer windows to the front, the upgrade of the existing septic tank to a proprietary domestic effluent treatment system and all associated site works
Kehoe Templenaboe Templenaboe, St Mullins, carlowDescription:
Single storey extensions to existing building and associated siteworks at Templenaboe PP ref 15/20
Al Fesco area to rear of An Pucan, Foster Street, Galway, galwayDescription:
build Al Fesco dining area to rear of An Pucan Bar,11 Foster street Galway.
Extension to dwellinghouse. Charlestown, Tallanstown, Dundalk, , louthDescription:
Construction of extensions to front and rear of a dwellinghouse and the installation of a new waste water treatment system.
New Percolation area Ballyvalloo , Wexford , wexfordDescription:
Upgrading percolation area
extensions to dwelling 11 Hayestown, Rush, dublinDescription:
Renovation and extension of existing dwelling to include accommodation of new granny flat. The proposed works are to include: 1/ Construction of new dormer extension to rear of existing dwelling to include raising of ridge line to accommodate same.2/ Construction of single storey extension to rear3/ Construction of single storey extension to side to form part of proposed granny flat 4/ Construction of new porch to front and associated site works all to existing dwelling.
Single storey, flat roofed extension to the side 7 Hillcrest Downs, Sandyford, dublin_18Description:
A single story, flat roofed extension to the side. The proposal will comprise of a new entrance hall, study, 2 bedrooms, en-suite bathroom and dressing room.
New 2 Storey Dwelling Commons Lower, Lords Road, Celbridge, kildareDescription:
Demolition of an existing 2 storey dwelling and garage at the above address and its replacement with
Extension and alteraton to 1 Waughs Terrace, Covent Avenue, Sundays Well 1 Waughs Terrace, Covent Avenue, Sundays Well, Cork, corkDescription:
Extension and alteration to existing single storey dwelling
64 South Hill, Dartry, Dublin 6 64 South Hill, Dartry, dublin_6Description:
The development will consist of the construction of a 4.4sq.m. porch with pitched roof to the front of the dwelling. the construction of a 50sq.m. single-storey extension at ground floor level to the rear of the dwelling, incorporating the area of an existing 16.5sq.m. sunroom. the construction of a zinc-clad box-dormer roof-light at attic level on the rear roof slope. partial demolitions and alterations of the existing structure to facilitate the above, including removal of a portion of the rear roof slope and construction of a new side access door at ground level. external replastering of the house. and associated external works