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O'Gorman House - new dwelling Smallquarter, Fourmilewater, Ballymacarbry, waterfordDescription:
Provision of new two storey dwelling and single storey ancillary garage building on family owned land.
2 Apartments to Office Mary Street, Galway, galwayDescription:
Fit out 2 existing apartments as one office unit
Renovation of Baldwinstown former garda station kilcowan upper, baldwinstown, wexfordDescription:
change of use of existing former garda station and ancillary accommodation to one single private residence with associated internal alterations
House extension at 48 Forest Grove 48 Forest Grove, Hilltown, Swords, dublinDescription:
Construction of an extension to the side and the rear of the existing dwelling at 48 Forest Grove, Hilltown, Swords.
Alterations to existing Nursing Home at Aras Mhic Dara, Carraroe, Co. Galway Main Street, Carraroe, galwayDescription:
Material alterations to existing Nursing Home Building at Aras Mhic Dara Complex, HSE Estates West, Carraroe, Co. Galway.
Application No.: -
Mao Blanchardstown Greyhound Inn, Main Street, Blanchardstown, dublin_15Description:
Material Alteration & Change of Use from Retail to Restaurant assembly & recreation including internal fit out works and alterations to the external areas.
Construction of a two storey dwelling and detached garage at Ardnaboha, Belgooly, Co. Cork Ardnaboha, Belgooly, corkDescription:
Construction of a two storey dwelling and detached garage and wastewater treatment system and all associated works at Ardnaboha, Belgooly, Co. Cork
McCabes Pharmacy Pavillions, Swords Unit G 24, Pavilion Shopping Centre,, Swords, dublinDescription:
Material Alterations to the existing Pharmacy internal fit out to include alterations to the dispensary and back of house.
Application No.: -
Agri-retail unit at Cillin Hill, Leggetsrath East, Dublin Road, Kilkenny Cillin Hill, Leggetsrath East, Dublin Road, , Kilkenny, kilkennyDescription:
To erect: a. Single storey warehouse for agricultural related products. b. Agri-retail shop with ancillary offices and storage over-head in two storey block. c. Car parking areas, goods yards and set down areas. d. Free standing totem advertising pole sign and building mounted signage. e. All associated site development works and boundary treatments. This proposed facility will be served by infrastructure as permitted under planning reference 03-469
Extension to ASD Unit North Monastery CBS North Monastery Rd, Cork, corkDescription:
Extension to existing ASD Unit, consisting of 2No. classrooms with store and quiet areas, sensory room, learning support room, staff toilets and student toilets, at North Monastery CBS