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132925 results

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  • 3515 Walsh House Extension, 16 New Avenue 16 New Avenue, Galway, galway

    Construction of a 2 storey extension to the rear of an existing 2 storey semi-detached dwelling at 16 New Avenue, Galway

    14/274 View details
  • Single Dwelling Construction Brooklawn, Kilkenny, kilkenny

    Dwelling house, garage, treatment system & all associated site works

    14251 View details
  • 46 Cowper Road, Dublin 6 46 Cowper Road, Rathmines, dublin_6

    Refurbishment to existing house at all levels including; internal alterations; upgrading M&E services; door and window refurbishment, redecoration and rainwater goods refurbishment brick cleaning and & minor repointing throughout. Alterations to existing side garage including building up side parapet, rendering external walls to side and rear and refinishing roof with 2 new rooflights. Demolition of miscellaneous single storey structures to rear and building of new larger extension to rear with brick finish, pitched roof with 2 no. rooflights and bay window.

    3877/14 View details
  • Kilmainham Courthouse, Inchicore Road, Dublin 8 Kilmainham Courthouse, Inchicore Road, -, dublin_8

    Change of use of the former Kilmainham Courthouse (a Protected Structure) and Outbuildings from Courthouse and associated uses to cultural and visitor facility use associated with Kilmainham Gaol (a Protected Structure and National Monument) and the refurbishment of Kilmainham Courthouse and Outbuildings and all ancillary works. Work to the main Courthouse building will include the construction of; a new lift to link all levels from ground to second floor, new sanitary facilities, a new internal mezzanine bridge to link the east and west wings, the provision of a public cafe and bookstore and other internal modifications. Works to the Outbuildings will include the construction of; new sanitary facilities, boiler house and cafe store. External works will include; the modification of the front railings to provide two new side gates, realignment of the stone entrance to the front to form a new landing, installation of a new external stairway to the rear of the Courthouse and associated new hard and soft landscaping.

    3256/14 View details
  • No.5 Grove House Gardens No.5 Grove House Gardens, Grove Avenue,, Blackrock

    The development will consist of 1. New two story extension to the front & rear of the existing dwelling consisting of internal alterations, amendments to all four elevations including 7no. new roof lights. 2. Proposed new attic conversion & new basement. 3. Demolition of existing front garage and rear sunroom.

    D14A/0659 View details
  • Extension to Dwelling Ballinakilla, Mastergeehy, , Killarney, kerry

    Extend existing dwelling house, decommission existing septic tank and install a new septic tank and percolation area.

    15/141 View details
  • 20 Belmont Gardens, Dublin 4 20 Belmont Gardens, Donnybrook, dublin_4

    Widening of entrance at 20 Belmont Gardens to 3.6m

    3174/14 View details
  • Residential Development at Donaghmore Lane, Navan. Donaghamore Lane, Slane Road,, Navan, meath

    Demolition of existing dwelling and shed and construction of new two storey dwelling and detached garage, replacement waste water treatment system and percolation area, widening of vehicular entrance and all associated ancillary site works.

    NA/140433 View details
  • House at St Aubyns sorrento rd, dalkey

    Construction of 2 storey house

    D14A/0365 View details
  • Construct a single and dormer extension to front and north side of existing dormer dwelling house. Paddock, Mountrath, laois

    Construct a single and dormer extension to front and north side of existing dormer dwelling house.

    14127 View details



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