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132765 results

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  • Development of one storey & a half style dwelling house KEARNEYS LANE BARNATTAIN, Drogheda, louth

    Development of a storey & a half style dwelling house, a detached domestic garage, a proprietary waste water treatment system, an entrance on to the public road & associated site works

    14290 View details
  • Supermarket & Retail stores Units 1-7 Athgarvan Road, Newbridge, kildare

    Construct Wall between Units, Modify elevations modify external access from Athgarvan Road, all ancillary works.

    14/97 View details
  • DwelIinghouse at Clashykinleen West, Newmarket, Co. Cork Clashykinleen West, Newmarket, cork

    Two storey dwellinghouse

    12/05986 View details
  • Santon, Albert Road Upper, Glenageary, Co. Dublin Santon,Albert Road Upper, Glenageary

    Permission for the demolition of the single storey extension to the rear of the existing detached bungalow. Conversion and extension of the existing attic space into habitable rooms, including raising the ridge height with extension of the roof to the rear on the southern side of the dwelling to align with the height of the main roof, removal of the hipped roof on the northern side and replacement with a pitched roof. New dormer windows to the front. New roof lights to the front and rear. Alterations to the front facade to include changes in the shape and roof design of the large bay window, removal of the small bay window, new entrance canopy, extension of the building and facade on the southern side to align with the main facade. Alterations o the window and door openings on the existing front and side elevations. Construction of a part single storey, part two storey extension to the rear with roof lights and Juliet balcony. Widening of the vehicular entrance onto Upper Albert Road. Associated site works.

    D14A/0794 View details
  • Extension for Tim and Chris Mulvihill Doolahig, Glenbeigh, kerry

    Extension to Dwelling House for Tim and Chris Mulvihill at Doolahig, Glenbeigh, Co. Kerry

    14736 View details
  • Extension to Derg Credit Union Main Street, Scarriff, clare

    Extension to the rear of Derg Credit Union

    14/386 View details
  • Guest accommodation unit, Ardfield, Clonakilty-Louisa Putnam Dunnycove, Ardfield, cork

    Construct private guest accommodation unit for use ancillary to main dwelling. The development will include the removal of a ruinous structure (the site upon which the proposed development will be located)>

    14/00162 View details
  • Extension to dwelling at Garristown The Green, Garristown, dublin

    single-storey extension and alterations to the existing dwelling and siteworks including the relocation of the vehicular entrance point and a replacement wastewater treatment system.

    F14A/0246 View details
  • Alterations and extensions to dwellinghouse Downeen, Rosscarbery, cork

    Alterations and extensions to existing dwellinghouse, installation of new wastewater treatment unit

    14/00698 View details
  • House extension - single storey 10 Culban, Knockanemore, Ovens, cork

    A single storey house extension of 39 sqm using similar building materials and construction techniques as on the existing dwelling.

    14/06563 View details



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