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129 New Cabra Road ,Phibsboro,Dublin 7 129 New Cabra Road, Phibsboro, dublin_7Description:
Attic conversion with dormer window at side
Phase 2, Sector 2, Belmont, Aikens Village Belmont, Aikens Village, dunlaoghaire_rathdownDescription:
Residential Development at Belmont, Aikens Village, Co. Dublin. Construction of 2no. House Type J2B 150m.sq, 5no. House Type P 100m.sq, 1no. House Type H 150m.sq, 1no. House Type H1 150m.sq, 2no. House Type B2 108m.sq, 1no. House Type G 101m.sq, and associated site works
Blackditch Existing Courtyard Refurbishment Blackditch Farm, Newcastle, wicklowDescription:
Refurbishment works to an existing stone courtyard buildings.
Dwelling House-B.O'Brien, Leamlara Moanbaun, Leamlara, corkDescription:
Construction of a two-storey dwelling house with roof glazing, separate domestic garage, new site entrance and associated site works
Lisa Yarr - New Dwelling Sarshill, Kilmore, wexfordDescription:
Quilter Rathnapish 42 Sycamore Road, Carlow, carlowDescription:
demolish the existing side and rear extensions construct new two storey side extension and single storey rear extension and a porch at the front door & all ancillary siteworks at 42 Sycamore Road Rathnapish CW PP 116416
Retail fit-out of ground floor of 93 George's Street, Lower 93 George's Street Lower, Dun LaoghaireDescription:
Retail fit-out of ground floor of 93George's Street Lower, Dun Laoghaire.
Eoin Grennan - Fully Serviced Dwelling & Private Workshop & Site Works Kilgraney, Kilbride, carlowDescription:
Eoin Grennan - Erection of a Fully Serviced Dwelling and Private Workshop and all Associated Site Works
Alterations to 3 Eglinton Park 3 Eglinton Park, GlenagearyDescription:
Internal modifications and alterations to a Protected Structure at 3 Eglinton Park, Glenageary, Dun Laoghaire
Residential Development at Donabate. Co. Dublin (Phase 2) Turvey Avenue, Donabate, dublinDescription:
22 units of the following development. Planning Permission for a residential development of 158 dwellings which will comprise of 30 no. 4-bed 2 storey semi-detached/detached houses, 126 no. 3-bed 2-storey semi-detached houses, the renovation/extension and refurbishment of the existing 2-storey detached dwelling Beverton House (to a 5 bed unit) and single storey detached dwelling Beverton Lodge (to a 3 bed unit), a 2 storey crèche facility (315 sq.m), class 1 & 2 open space areas, pedestrian and cycle route linkages to adjacent development/lands, tree removal where applicable, landscaping, and outdoor play area, internal site access roads/verges/footpaths, individual and overall site boundary proposals and alterations, road/verge/footpath upgrade improvement works to Turvey Avenue, demolition of existing non-habitable storage/agricultural buildings and all associated site development and engineering works on a 6.84ha (16.9acre) site bounded by Waterlefe residential development and Turvey Golf Club lands to the west, non-developed Turvey residential zoned lands to the north, existing/permitted/under construction Beverton residential development to the east and to the south by Turvey Avenue, Donabate, County Dublin.