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Ballywaltrim Houses Ballywaltrim, Bray, wicklowDescription:
Erection of 2 Dwelling Houses
Drummond Dwelling House Drummond, Gorey, wexfordDescription:
Erection of Dwelling House
Extension to dwelling at 26 Clover Hill Estate, Blackrock, Cork 26 Clover Hill Estate, Blackrock, corkDescription:
Conversion of existing garage into living space, ground floor extension to the rear and moving of front door inline with front of dwelling at 26 Clover Hill Estate, Blackrock, Cork.
Killahora House Killahora house, Killahora, Glounthane, corkDescription:
Demolition and Reconstruction of Killahora House, Glounthane, Cork
Miriam O'Gorman's house at Knockcarron Knockcarron, Knocklong, limerickDescription:
Construction of a dwellinghouse and associated site works including waste-water treatment system and entrance
Construction of New Extension to a dwelling house Castlelambert, Athenry, galwayDescription:
Demolition of a Conservatory and construction of a new extension to a dwelling house
Singe Storey Toilet Block Extension at Mizen Tourism Centre, Cloghane, Goleen, Co. Cork Cloghane, Goleen, corkDescription:
Construction of a single storey toilet block extension (18sq/m in area) to rear of Mizen Head Visitor Centre, Goleen, Co. Cork
The Spa at Ashford Castle Ashford Castle, Castle View, Cong, mayoDescription:
The project will include: an extension to the existing hotel comprising a spa treatment facility (1,237sqm) arranged over three levels (basement, ground and mezzanine) located to the south of the eastern wing of the main hotel building including a swimming pool, fitness suite, treatment rooms, changing facilities, outdoor terrace and related ancillary areas. The development will also include a sub-basement ancillary plant level (89sqm) below the proposed new swimming pool; minor excavation works within the existing hotel at basement level to facilitate a proposed new children’s pool (26sqm) the removal and replacement of the existing internal staircase from basement to 2nd floor within the existing hotel and internal refurbishment works to facilitate leisure and amenity uses also at existing basement level. The development will also include hard and soft landscaping, external lighting, re-location and minor reconfiguration of previously permitted rood plant; new roof plant; solar panels at roof level; link between the proposed spa and existing hotel structure; changes in level; minor demolition works including the removal of two sets of existing external stone steps, single storey conservatory (40sqm) internal staircase, 2 no fire hydrants and internal basement walls; ancillary surface water and drainage works (including all connections, pipe work and increase in size of the previously permitted attenuation pipe) to serve the proposed development all ancillary site development and excavation works above and below ground.
Extension of residential dwelling for Patricia Fahy Glenrevagh, Corrandulla, galwayDescription:
Extension of existing dwelling at Glenrevagh for Patricia Fahy