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8 Ardenza Terrace, Blackrock 8 Ardenza Terrace, Blackrock, carlowDescription:
Construction of a new access gate in the front railings and a new staircase to a new access door under the main entrance steps to the front.
Single Storey Extension 59 Monastery Rise 59 Monastery Rise, Clondalkin, dublin_22Description:
The Construction of a single storey extension (15 sq.m) to the rear and side to include disabled access bathroom / shower room, new main entrance and steps (front and rear).
1757 - Residential Development of 1 detached house and garage Ballyneety South, Pallasgreen, limerickDescription:
Construction of a detached storey and half type dwelling house, detached garage, provision of a mechanical waste water treatment pant and polishing filter, change of use of existing agricultural entrance to residential use to facilitate the proposed development and all associated site works
Burke/Tighe B126/01 Ballymoat (Townland), Tuam, galwayDescription:
Pl. Ref. 14/622, Location: Ballymoat (Townland), Ballymoat Road, Tuam, Co. Galway. The construction of a dwelling house and domestic garage. Previous permission numbers 05/774 and 10/1324 refer to the site also.
Donal Mangan - Dwelling House Ballyduff, Knocknagoshel, kerryDescription:
Retention Permission to (1) Retain and complete demolition of old cottage and construction of a replacement dwelling house (2) Permission to install a mechanical aeration unit and low pressure percolation system with all associated site works
Permanent TSB The Mall Main st Malahide The Mall , Main st Malahide, malahide, dublin
"Quidara" Main Street, Blessington, wicklowDescription:
Construct replacement two story house and garage
Corduff Primary Care Centre at Blackcourt Road, Corduff, Dublin 15. Blackcourt Road, Corduff, dublin_15Description:
The construction of a new Primary Care Centre, part two and part three storey, total floor area 2,321 square metres, including Primary Care Team, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Team, Early Intervention Team, Dental and GP Surgery accommodation. External works include a new entrance and access road from Blackcourt Road, pedestrian access points from Corduff Avenue, Corduff Gardens, Corduff Way and Corduff Shopping Centre and 61 number surface car parking spaces, along with a single storey Electricity Supply Board mini substation - seven square metres, single storey bin store - 18 square metres, two number covered cycle parking bays providing 20 number cycle spaces each, landscaping and all other ancillary works, all on lands immediately adjacent to East of Corduff Shopping Centre, on Blackcourt Road, Corduff, Dublin.
Road improvements & Siteworks Ower, Roscahill, galwayDescription:
To carry out Road Improvements as per Condition No. 8 & Car Parking as per Condition No. 2 (d)
Kildare Town Educate Together National School Magee Barracks, Kildare Town, kildareDescription:
Two storey national school comprising 16 classrooms, general purpose hall, servery, library/resource room, special education tuition rooms, offices, staff areas, sanitary, two class base special needs unit, central activities space, multi-sensory room and ancillary accommodation with an additional floor area of circa 3293 square metres