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Permanent TSB Pls High Street, Kilkenny, kilkennyDescription:
Internal Fit-Out of Existing Bank
5 Heytesbury Lane, Dublin 4 5 HEYTESBURY LANE, -, dublin_4Description:
Construction of a two storey , two bedroomed mews dwelling at 5 Heytesbury Lane, Dublin 4
The Dublin Central Mission, 9C Abbey Street Lower, Dublin 1 The Dublin Central Mission, 9C Abbey Street Lower, dublin_1Description:
Alterations & Refurbishment Works to Dublin Central Missions, 9c Lower Abbey Street, Dublin 1, a protected structure. The proposed development comprises: (i) demolition of the existing modern single storey return (17 sq m) and construction of a new return to the rear (17 sq m); (ii) construction of a new lift shaft to the rear providing access to all floors (11 sq.m); (iii) re-ordering, alteration and refurbishment of the interior of the building to facilitate the operation of the Dublin Central Mission and Abbey Street Methodist Church, including restoration of a number of original features, removal of a number of modern interventions and removal of some original fabric. Alteration and refurbishment works to the existing building include the restoration of original fenestration at top floor level; and, the removal of the stage and gallery from the upper level multi-purpose hall. The works also include provision of new fire compartmentation; meeting and office spaces; ground floor reception / social area; new toilet accommodation; the installation of roof-lights; general upgrading, sundry repairs, alterations and renewals; upgrading of services; all associated site and drainage works.
Kevin Cavanagh Drumaweir, Greencastle, donegalDescription:
Change of house type under planning ref 12/70163
Grayswood, 1, Barnhill Avenue, Dalkey, Co. Dublin Grayswood, 1, Barnhill Avenue, Dalkey, dublinDescription:
Permission for development consisting of: 1. Demolition of single storey extension and out houses to the rear of the existing detached two storey property. 2. Construction of a two storey pitched roof extension with chimney to the side. 3. Construction of single storey and part two storey pitched roof extensions to the rear. 4. Construction of single storey pitched roof garage to the side. 5. Elevational alterations to the front side and rear of the existing property. 6. New 'Velux' style roof lights in the main roof to the side and rear. 7. Landscaping and associated site works.
256 Collins Avenue, Dublin 9 256 Collins Avenue, -, dublin_9Description:
Construction of a single storey extension to the rear of the existing dwelling, with ancillary interior alterations.
127 Anglesea Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 127 Anglesea Road, Ballsbridge, dublin_4Description:
PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of works, comprising internal remedial refurbishment works following flood damage at lower ground floor level, including new internal wall linings, new flooring, new electrical and heating services and the construction of a new copper, glass and timber clad, to-storey rear extension (lower ground floor to upper ground floor) 5.9m in height to eaves and inserted between two existing rear return and consisting of a double height space (kitchen/dinig room) of 13 sq.m and balcony and study of 13.2sq.m. In addition alterations to the internal layout and reconfiguration of the lower ground floor shower room, storage areas, home cinema family room.
54 Leeson Street Upper, Dublin 4 54 Leeson Street Upper, -, dublin_4Description:
PROTECTED STRUCTURE: For change of use of a three storey over basement house from commercial back to single family dwelling, internal alterations, alteration of opes to the rear and to the return, lowering of part of the rear garden to basement level, removal of external steps to the side of the return and provision of external steps to the rear of the return, external repairs and landscaping works.
2 Lanewood Mews, Pembroke Lane, Dublin 4 2 Lanewood Mews, Pembroke Lane, dublin_4Description:
Planning permission is sought for renovation and extension of existing terraced mews house (in the curtilage of a protected structure) including ground floor wc extension and insertion of rooflights to the front, conversion and extension of the attic and construction of 3 storey bay window to the rear
Brennan Kilree Cottages Kilree Cottages, Bagenalstown, carlowDescription:
Construct single storey dwelling and garage with associated siteworks and new entrances all at Kilree Cottages, Bagenalstown, Carlow ppref 14108