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MICHEAL MURTAGH GAMES ROOM Annavackey, Hackballscross, louthDescription:
Non-habitable domestic games room /play room & stores, ancillary to the use of the dwelling with all associated site works
St Patricks N.S. - Castletown Leggagh, castletown, meathDescription:
to replace the existing asphalt flat roofs with pitched roofs and concrete tiles including storm drainage and all other associated site works drainage
12020 Ranta Dwelling Parknakyle, Old Leighlin, carlowDescription:
Demolish an existing 2 storey dwelling, portal frame shed and outbuilding, construction of a new 2 storey dwelling, on site treatment system and all ancillary site services as well as modifying an existing site entrance.
Sandy Lane National School Sandy Lane, Portarlington, laoisDescription:
Construction of a new single storey classroom extension to the school of the existing school at Sandy Lane, Portarlingtion, Co. Laois
Retain and complete boundary walls, enlargement of industrial site, erection of walls and fencing Tullynaskeagh, Bailieborough, Co. Cavan, Bailieborough, cavanDescription:
Retain and complete boundary walls, enlargement of industrial site, erection of boundary walls security fencing and associated site works
Construction of 4 no. Fully Serviced Dwelling Houses and all associated Site Works Crosstown, Ardcavan, Wexford, wexfordDescription:
Construction of 4 no. Fully Serviced Dwelling Houses and all associated Site Works to include the Provision of a Foul Sewerage Pumping Station on site with a Rising Main from same to be provided along the adjacent Local Road with Connection to the Public Foul Sewer System on the Regional Road R741
Detached commercial building, Mary Brennan Park 2 Mary Brennan Park, Blanchardstown, dublin_15Description:
Permission sought for demolition of a single storey detached commercial building to the front of the site and demolition of a single storey residential building to the rear of the site and replacement of both with a new detached, part single/ part two storey commercial building for use as a beauty salon with all associated site works including 4 no. car parking spaces
Alterations & extension to existing dwelling at Cahergowan, Claregalway, Co. Galway Cahergowan, Claregalway, galwayDescription:
Alterations & extension to existing dwelling including all associated site works at Cahergowan, Claregalway, Co. Galway for Gerard & Carmel MacMichael.
Temporary Accommodation at Lucan CC Esker Drive, Lucan, dublin_1Description:
The development will consist of 1no. single storey temporary unit that will include 3no classrooms,
Nespresso Boutique Fit out 22 and 23 Duke Street, Dublin, dublinDescription:
Fit out of a split-level retail use at Ground and First floor level, including the installation of the shop front windows to the facade,at no's 22 and 23 Duke Street.