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Veterinary Clinic Abbey Street, Tullow, carlowDescription:
change of use of part of unused office building (formerly used as Tullow Agricultural Training Centre) to a veterinary clinic for small animals. Proposed works include pet shop, grooming facilities, cattery, signage, perimeter fencing and all ancillary site works
Extension to Cottage Richard F, Mullanagower Mullanagower, Ardcavan, , Castlebridge , wexfordDescription:
The demolition of 2 single storey flat roofed extensions to side and back, 2 new windows to the back, also the erection of a 2 storey dormer type extension to side & back of Cottage (105sqm), fully serviced with all ass. site works.
New Dwelling Ballymoney, Courtown, wexfordDescription:
Brendan Nestor Quinaltagh New Dwelling Quinaltagh, Garrafrauns, galwayDescription:
Proposed dwelling house, domestic garage and fuel store, waste water treatment system and percolation area
Development works to 30 Durham Road, Dublin 4 30 Durham Road, Dublin 4, dublin_4Description:
Development to include: demolition of existing outbuilding, construction of new vehicular access, construction of a two storey side extension & single storey rear extension, resulting in an overall floor area increase from 89.5sqm to 223sqm. Works to include all associated site works.
Coill Dubh Broomfield, Malahide, dublinDescription:
A residential development of 74 dwellings which will comprise of 5no. 5 bed 2 storey detached houses, 20 no. 4-bed 2 storey semi-detached/detached houses, 49 no. 3-bed 2-storey semi-detached/terraced houses, class 2 open space areas which will include outdoor play area, tree removal where applicable, landscaping, internal site access roads/verges/footpaths, individual and overall site boundary proposals, ESB sub-station, road/verge/footpath upgrade improvement works fronting the application site to the R124 Malahide Road plus all associated site development and engineering works including pumped foul rising main connection to the reconfigured pumping station facilities located to the east on the adjacent Torcaill residential development and all on a 3.36ha (8.3acre) site bounded by the St Sylvester’s GAA Sport ground to the north, zoned greenbelt lands to the east and south and to the west by the R124 Malahide Road, Malahide, County Dublin.
The construction of 4 no. two storey dwelling houses Ballysimon, Golf Links Road,, Castletroy, limerickDescription:
The construction of 4 no. two storey dwelling houses with 2 no. shared entrances, connection to public services and all associated site works at Ballysimon, Golf Links Road, Castletroy. The works shall take place in 2 no. phases constructing 2 units per phase.
Construction of 1.5 storey dwelling at Castlemartin, Navan, Co Meath Castlemartin, Navan, meathDescription:
Construction of 1.5 storey dwelling with proprietary treatment system and percolation area, new entrance onto public road and all associated site works
John & Lucy Brazil 11 Park View, Ratoath, meathDescription:
Development consists of a 2 storey extension to the side of the existing house to accommodate a new living room at ground floor level and 1 no. new bedroom at first floor level, extending the roof to the side to match the exiting design of the house, provision of a new chimney and all associated site works at 11 Park View, Rataoth, Co. Meath
Property dwelling at Dournane Road, Mooncoin Dournane Road, Mooncoin, kilkennyDescription:
Build a one and a half storey dwellinghouse, garage, entrance, associated siteworks and connection to existing public waste and surface water systems