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House extension at 23 Copeland Avenue 23 Copeland Avenue, Clontarf, dublin_3Description:
Construction of a part single storey / part two storey extension to the rear, the conversion of the existing garage to habitable space, replacement of existing doors and windows, the addition of a rooflight to the side and widening of the existing vehicular entrance
Construction of extension to existing secondary school comprising of 3 classrooms Coopsewoo, Pallaskenry, limerickDescription:
Construction of extension to existing Secondary College comprising of 3 classrooms, covered walkway, associated renovations and site works. – This development is within the site of protected structure No. 637 B3(ii) - for The Board of Management at Salesian Secondary College, Pallas, Pallaskenry, Co. Limerick.
24 Corrig Avenue 24 Corrig Avenue, DunlaoghaireDescription:
24 Corrig Avenue, Dunlaoghaire, 18sqm single storey extension to the rear, new sanitary provision, conversion of the basement from flat accomodation back to single occupancy and 22sqm attic conversion. The building is a protected structure.
43 Daniel Street 43 Daniel Street, Dublin, dublin_8Description:
Part Demolition of structure to the rear to provide garden are, 450mm raising of roof to rear to provide attic bedroom and internal renovations
The Paddocks Crescent The Paddocks Crescent, The Paddocks, , AdamstownDescription:
Construction of 12 no. houses at No.s 31-42 The Paddocks, Crescent, The Paddocks, Adamstown, Co. Dublin
Extension and Alterations to The Heath National School The Heath, Portlaoise, laoisDescription:
The development will consist of an extension and alterations to the existing school to include 4 new classrooms, special education tuition room, toilet facilities and a new main entrance with a combined area of c. 522.4m2 and all other associated site works.
ground floor of Bishops Square, Redmonds Hill Redmonds Hill, Dublin, dublin_2Description:
Change of use and physical alterations, to existing ground floor Department of Social Protection offices at Bishops Square, Redmond Hill, Dublin 2 to facilitate a new publicly INTREO centre. Works to include; creation of one new public entrance to corner of Kevin Street/Redmond's Hill; new access door adjacent; and interior works
Arch Cottage, Barrack Road, Glencullen,Co. Dublin Arch Cottage, Barrack Road, Glencullen, dublin_18Description:
proposed extension to existing single storey dwelling to include demolition works to existing single storey extension to rear of dwelling to allow for two storey extension to rear with 'room in roof' accommodation as second storey. Proposed works to also include addition of rooflight windows to front and rear of existing main house roof and to both sides of proposed roof, excavation of land to rear to allow for extension, new septic tank and all associated site works.
Dwelling House,Garage and Treatment Plant
Proposed Domestic Garage/Fuel Store Toghergar, Ballinamore Bridge,, Ballinasloe, galwayDescription:
Construction of a Proposed Domestic Garage/Fuel Store & Associated Works