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Unit 13x (Boots), Crescent Shopping Centre, Limerick Unit 13x (Boots), Crescent Shopping Centre, limerickDescription:
Application No.: -
Two Storey Portacabins to provide 6 Classrooms Scartlea Td, Saleen, Midleton., corkDescription:
Block No 1 erection of two store portacabins to provide 6no classrooms
Application No.: -
Alywardstown House Alywardstown House, Glenmore, kilkennyDescription:
An extension to the front and side & creation of a new first floor to the existing single storey annex of Alywardstown House along with a new treatment system and percolation area and all associated site and ancillary works. The annex was constructed under planning permission Ref. 16/87. The extension will have an area of 112.8 SqM. All works to take place at Alywardstown House, Glenmore, Co. Kilkenny. Alywardstown House is a protected structure and recorded monument (NIAH Ref: 12404107) (RPS Ref: C472)
LimeKiln Lane Lime Kiln Lane , Balgriffin, dublin_13Description:
New extension to the rear of the existing private dwelling to include the replacement of the existing septic tank with a treatment plant and associated site works.
Galway Rowing Club roof repair and renewal Waterside, Woodquay, galwayDescription:
Repair and renewal of existing roof.
Extension 49 Trees Rd 49 Trees Road, , Mount MerrionDescription:
Extensions and Modifications at 49 Tress Road, Mount Merrion, Co. Dublin Full detail as per planning permission...Permission for development consisting of a two-storey extension (108.8 m2) to the side of the existing house, together with internal modifications to existing. Works will include partial demolitions, modification of existing pitched roof to integrate with new, remodelling of existing front elevation, including porch, widening existing gate and associated works
Relocation of Wastewater Treatment System for M & K Hibbitt (Mountbellew) Shankill (Killian By) , Mountbellew , galwayDescription:
Installation and construction of wastewater treatment system and gravity discharge polishing filter Shankill (Killian By) Mountbellew, Co. Galway
BD Medical Pottery Road, Dun Laoghaire, dublin_18Description:
Construction of a single storey extension to the rear of the building involving the demolition of an existing single storey sheet metal workshop building; single storey tool room building in the western corner of the site for a temporary period of five years; a single storey mould repair building on the existing car park on the southern side of the existing building for a temporary period of five years and the installation of a c.814sqm mezzanine floor at first floor over the production area within the existing building to provide temporary staff changing facilities and a canteen and office accommodation.
Construction of serviced dwellinghouse and domestic garage at Bunoghanaun Bunoghanaun, Corrandulla, galwayDescription:
Construction of serviced dwelling house and domestic garage/store in the townland of Bunoghanaun
Pharmacy at 56/57 56/57 Upper Georges Street, Dun LaoghaireDescription:
Subdivision of Existing Commercial Building to provide new Retail Pharmacy at 56/57 Upper Georges Street Dun Laoghaire.