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20 Avondale Lawn, Blackrock, Co. Dublin 20 Avondale Lawn, Blackrock, dublinDescription:
Convert attic to living space with a rear dormer window
Pre-School Gracefield Portarlington Gracefield, Portarlington, offalyDescription:
Material Change of use from Residential to Pre-School. Addition of a new entrance door & widening of gateway to improve access.
New Dwelling house at Latoon North Latoon North, Newmarket on Fergus, clareDescription:
Proposed dwelling house, wastewater treatment system and ancillary works at Latoon North, Newmarket on Fergus, Co Clare
Construction of dwellinghouse for Noel Beecher Ballymacsimon, Castlelyons, corkDescription:
Construction of single storey dwelling house and detached plant room
Raymond O' Neill Magheranan, Letterkenny, donegalDescription:
Extension to existing Aldi Store, including new trolley bay, canopy and associated site works McCarter Road, Buncrana, donegalDescription:
Extension of the existing single storey discount foodstore by 290sqm including the relocation of the main entrance, canopy and trolley bay from the northern to the western elevation with associated site works.
Drumcondra N.S, Church Avenue, Drumcondra, Dublin 9 Drumcondra National School, Church Avenue, Drumcondra, dublin_9Description:
Demolish part existing school and construct new 2 storey extension (216.33 sqm) to rear and single storey porch extension (4.42 sqm) to front.
Clonshaugh Service Station Off Clonshaugh Road, Clonshaugh, dublin_17Description:
Construction of a service station of 584sq.m. gross floor area incorporating a net convenience retail area of 100 sq.m.; a cafe/restaurant seating area of 164sq.m., storage, staff and toilet areas. The storage station will also include a hot food deli and a drive through facility which will be ancillary to the main restaurant use. The forecourt area will comprise a canopy with an illuminated fascia and 6 no. fuel pump islands; a separate 1 no. pump island HGV refuelling area, 2 no. 40,000 and 1 no. 60,000 litre underground fuel storage tanks with associated pipework and overground fill points and a car wash facility. modification of the existing roundabout; signage and all site development works
58, Sea Brook, Rush, Co Dublin. 58, Sea BrookDescription:
proposed 2 storey, semi-detached house at 58, Sea Brook, Rush, Co. Dublin
61, Sea Brook, Rush, Co Dublin 61, Sea BrookDescription:
proposed 2 storey semi-detached house at 61, Sea Brook, Rush, Co. Dublin.