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Anthony Connaughton 24 Willow Green, Primrose Gate, Celbridge, kildareDescription:
Single storey kitchen extension to side
Fit-out of an existing building to form a new casual dining restaurant & café bar Friary Street, Kilkenny, kilkennyDescription:
Fit-out of an existing building to form a new casual dining restaurant & café bar and baked goods retail section at the former Bank of Scotland / ESB premises, Friary Street (and Pennyfeather Lane to rear), Kilkenny
John O'Shea 30, Doonane Road, Crettyard, laoisDescription:
erection of a new single storey extension to side and rear of property and all associated site works
Harrison Domestic Garage Kilkelly, mayoDescription:
Construct domestic storage shed/garage
Maisie RohanDescription:
Construct a first floor extension to front of existing dwelling and construct a conservatory.
Seaver house Donarea Ave, Sea Road, Kilcoole, wicklowDescription:
1 no dormer dwelling, driveway off Donarea Avenue, garage and boundary treatments together with associated site works
NO 1 ISLINGTON AVE GLASTHULE , CO. DUBLIN no 1 islington Ave, Glasthule, dublinDescription:
Demolition of garage and construct new two storey two bedroom house.
Diarmuid Kelleher 27 Countess Grove, Killarney, kerryDescription:
Alterations and elevational changes to dwelling ouse including replacing a flat roof with hipped roof.
Motor Dealership at Unit 2 Liffey Valley Motor Mall Unit 2 Liffey Valley Motor Mall, Lucan, dublinDescription:
Alterations to existing motor sales building and front facade for the showroom building only
Killybegs Stevedoring Ltd Killybegs Td, Killybegs, donegalDescription: