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Single storey extension to dwelling Lehenaghmore, Togher, Co.Cork, corkDescription:
Single storey extension to a dwelling
House Extension Upper Ballyargus, Redcastle, donegalDescription:
2 Eaton Place, Monkstown, Co. Dublin 2 Eaton Place, Monkstown, dublinDescription:
(A) Reinstatement from multi-occupancy use to a single family dwelling. (B) Internal alterations to include proposed wall partitions, creation of new opes in existing walls, new floor slab at garden level return. (C) Localised repairs to walls, floors and ceilings. (D) New internal stair to garden level from upper ground floor level. (E) External wall alterations to include 1 number new door opening and enlarging a second existing door opening to rear elevation. (F) Repair and/or replacement of existing timber sash windows with double glazed systems and associated joinery. (G) Re-wire and re plumb. (H) Internal breathable insulation to specific external walls. (I) Restorative works to front elevation and associated boundaries. (J) Landscaping to front and rear gardens. (K) All associated site works. (L) Re-tiling of all existing roof structures. A Protected Structure.
adjoining Trimbleston, Goatstown Road, Dublin 14 adj. Trimbleston, Goatstown Road, dublin_14Description:
The creation of two new pedestrian access points from Goatstown Road, including the provision of associated disability access facilities to serve entrance cores 1 & 2 of apartment Block 1. The provision of entrance canopy structures to serve entrance cores 1 & 2 of apartment Block 1. The provision of entrance canopy structures to serve entrance cores 3 & 4 of apartment Block 1, including the amended arrangement for the stairwell glazing within cores 3 & 4 of apartment Block 1. Minor realignment to the shared surface boulevard and visitors parking to the north of entrance cores 3 & 4 of apartment Block 1 and including all associated site development works.
86,Springhill Avenue, Blackrock, Co DublinDescription:
Single - storey extensionto the rear and dormer roof to the side elevation with 7 velux window to the existing roof and an attic level window to the rear facade
15, Sandyford Hall Drive, Sandyford, Dublin 18 15, Sandyford Hall Drive, Sandyford, Dublin 18Description:
1- 5 Temple Road, Carysfort Avenue, Blackrock, The Three Tun Tavern Blackrock 1-5 Temple Road, Carysfort Avenue, Blackrock, dublinDescription:
Material Alterations and Fit Out of The Three Tun Tavern Nos. 1-5 Temple Road, Carysfort Avenue, Blackrock.
Application No.: -
2 Clonkeen Road, Deansgrange 2 Clonkeen Road, Deansgrange, dublinDescription:
Design Modifications to Previously Approved Dental Surgery and Change of Use from Previously Approved Office to Dental Surgery
Application No.: -
346 Nutgrove Avenue, Churchtown, D. 14 346 Nutgrove Avenue, Churchtown, D. 14Description:
New vehicular access & driveway and associated works
Tonlegee Rochestown Avenue, Dun Laoghaire, dublinDescription:
The construction of three attic over two storey detached houses on the grounds of a former large detached house (now demolished). The houses will be of timber framed construction.