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New Dwelling house at Agmacart, Cullahill, Laois Agmacart, , Cullahill, Laois,Description:
Construct a dwelling house with attached domestic garage, septic tank, percolation area and all associated and necessary site works Agmacart, Cullahill, Laois
Colgate Part Ground Floor Office Fit-Out City West 3054 Lake Drive, , Dublin, South Dublin, D24 HN20Description:
The project involves a new Cat B fit-out of an existing Cat B ground floor (part) commercial office fit-out. The scope of work encompasses internal demotion and fit out only. This will include alterations of existing M&E systems and supplementary installation to service new layout. The building located at 3054 Lake Dr, Citywest Business Campus, Dublin 24, D24 HN204.
Application No.: -
The Old Gas Works Canal Bank, , Naas, Kildare, W91 ED3KDescription:
minor alterations and renovations to the dwelling, a protected structure ref. No. NS19-107; NIAHeg. No. 11814131; the replacement of the existing heating and electrical systems; the insulation of roof spaces, floors and the inner face of external walls using breathable materials compatible with the nature and characteristics of the building fabric; the alteration of some of the existing modern door and window openings which are not original; the replacement of all of the existing modern double-glazed windows with traditional double-glazed side hung casement windows in timber; the replacement of all of the existing modern external doors with traditional doors in timber; the refurbishment of the existing rooms, including the removal of the modern chimney stack in the living area; alterations to the layout of some of the rooms; site works associated with the proposed development.
Development of 88 No Residential Units at Upper Nangor Road and Kilcarbery Grange, Dublin 22. Ph 5.7 Upper Nangor Road, , Kilcarbery Grange, South Dublin,Description:
24 No Two Storey Dwellings 2-12 (Even) Hazel Drive, Kilcarbery Grange, Dublin 22 15-29 (Odd) Upper Nangor Road, Kilcarbery Grange, Dublin 22 1-9 (Odd) Hazel Lawn, Kilcarbery Grange, Dublin 22 2-10 (Even) Hazel Lawn, Kilcarbery Grange, Dublin 22
Detached dwelling at Roury Roury, , Rosscarbery, Cork,Description:
Construction of single storey dwelling at Roury, Rosscarbery
To Construct A New Dwelling House Ballinkeen, , Millstreet, Cork,Description:
To construct a new dwelling house served by septic tank and percolation area
Lalor Kirwan Dwelling Carrigeensharragh, , Annsfort, Tipperary,Description:
a new 2 storey dwelling, new entrance, wastewater treatment system and associated site works
Colga House Colga House, , Sligo, Sligo, F91 E8P6Description:
proposed extension to the rear of dwelling
New Garage Skehanagh, , Roscrea, Tipperary,Description:
Construction of a garage.
New Dwelling House Skehanagh, , Roscrea, Tipperary,Description:
Construction of a single storey dwelling house, waste water treatment system, entrance and all associated site works.