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Oldtown Villa Extension Naas, Kildare, W91 Y2YPDescription:
Demolition of the side of existing dwelling and the construction of side extension including new entrance, utility area and open kitchen/dining/ sitting room, reslating of the entire roof including hard and soft landscaping and all associated ancilliary site works at Oldtown Villa, Mill Lane , Oldtown, Naas , Co Kildare W91Y2YP
Extension to Dwelling at Ballymunterhiggins, Ballyshannon, Co.Donegal, F94F2R8 Ballymunterhiggins, , Ballyshannon, Donegal, F94 F2R8Description:
Extension to Dwelling at Ballymunterhiggins, Ballyshannon, Co.Donegal, F94F2R8
Construction of Extension 177 Lower Glanmire Road, , Cork, Cork, T23 E7FPDescription:
Single-storey side extension, new first-floor rear extension for staircase, a new 2nd floor rear dormer extension, elevation changes including new front window to front elevation as well as internal alterations to existing dwelling, and ancillary works.
Attic Conversion at No. 14 Sharman Avenue, Crawford Gate, Bessborough, Blackrock, Cork No. 14 Sharman Avenue, Crawford Gate, Bessborough, , Cork, Cork, T12 FVP0Description:
Permission for alterations, convert the existing attic to a bedroom and the provision of 3 no. rooflights, 2 no. to the front and 1 no. to the rear of their dwelling house with all associated site works.
New Dwelling at Sunnyhill Sunnyhill, , Kilcullen, Kildare,Description:
(a) subdivision of an existing site (b) erection of a new boundary, (c) construction of a part storey and a half, part single storey dwelling (d) pedestrian access for active travel connection to the neighbouring Cnoc na Greine residential development, (e) connection to existing services within neighbouring Cnoc na Greine residential development along with all associated site development and facilitating works
Housing development at Rathmolyon R156, , Rathmolyon, Meath,Description:
The demolition of 1 no. dormer bungalow & the construction of 86 dwellings together with all associated site works, at The Glebe, Rathmolyon, County Meath.
Development at Hewitsland, New Ross, Co Wexford Cluain Húighéad, , New Ross, Wexford,Description:
Construction of 48 no. dwelling units, comprising of 10 no. 1 bed bungalow terraced units, 16 no. 2 bed and 10 no. 3 bed two storey terraced units and 12 no. two storey 3 bed semi-detached units. The development works include the provision of private amenity space, 83 resident on-site parking spaces, including 5 no. visitor parking spaces, landscaped public open space, associated boundary treatments, street lighting, foul and suds drainage, ESB medium voltage substation and all associated site development works. Total site development area circa 1.49 hectares.
Kevin and Kate Kenneally Glenacunna, Ballyporeen, , Kilcronan, Tipperary,Description:
a new two storey-dwelling, wastewater treatment system with percolation area and all associated site works.
House extension and alteration of existing dwelling Bellcotton, , termonfeckin, Louth, A92 H5Y2Description:
The development will consist of 1) Single-storey extension and alterations to existing dwelling house, 2) Alterations to existing domestic garage for use as a home gym, 3) Alterations to existing site entrance, 4) Decommissioning of existing unused well, 5) Decommissioning of existing septic tank, 6) Installation of waste water system and percolation area and all associated site development works. (seperate commencement notice will be sent for the garage in due course)
N.M_Srah, Loughrea Srah, , Loughrea, Galway,Description:
for the construction of a dwelling house, sewage treatment plant, percolation area and all associated site services. Gross floor space of proposed works: 259.00 sqm (house)