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Marlfield Housing Marlfield, , Clonmel, Tipperary,Description:
The erection of 9 No. two-storey houses, an access road, connection to public services, landscaping and all associated siteworks
14A, Poplar Row North Strand Dublin 14A Poplar Row, , Dublin, Dublin 3,Description:
Construction of a 5-storey and part 6-storey apartment develop of 16 x one-bed apartments 14A, Poplar Row, North Strand, Dublin
herdsman house Waterston, , Low Road, Westmeath, N37XA72Description:
location Waterstown,Glasson,Athlone, Co. Westmeath N37XA72 Derelict protected structure (RPS 022-014)planning granted for the retention for demolition of flat roof porch to the front of the building and for the permission for the reinstatement and refurbishment of the existing dwelling and for the contruction of a new extension to the rear which is 10.78sqmeters footprint. Masonry build. Also for the provision of a new waste water treatment system and soil polishing filter. 1 Building
OLOL Our Lady if Lourdes Hospital, , Drogheda, Louth, A92 VW28Description:
Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Windmill Rd, Moneymore, Drogheda, Co. Louth, A92 VW28. Temporary Modular ED Extension, Construction of a Temporary Modular Ward Building adjoining the Existing Critical Decisions Unit and Accident and Emergency Department and all associated ground works and all ancillary works necessary to facilitate the development at Windmill Road, Drogheda, Co. Louth
St Josephs Berwick Pines Leopardstown Berwick Pines, Leopardstown Road, , Dublin 18, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , A94 Y7F4Description:
Material change of use and material alterations to the existing St. Josephs Building at Berwick Pines, Leopardstown Road, Stillorgan, Dublin 18. [Block E: Apt Nos 124-131 & Creche]
Block C Berwick Pines Berwick Pines, Leopardstown Road, , Dublin 18, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown ,Description:
Construction of a three storey apartment block, Block C at Berwick Pines, Leopardstown Road, Stillorgan, Dublin 18. [Block C: Apt Nos 108-118]
1, Petrie Road, Dublin 8 1 Petrie Road, , Dublin 8, Dublin, D08 F7K6Description:
demolition of rear shed and construction of a two-storey extension to the side of semi-detached dwelling, new side gate to Greenville Ave, new garden shed, associated drainage and site works, all at 1 Petrie Road, Dublin 8, D08 F7K6.
Dwelling Extension Gortmore ES Gortmore, , Broadford, Limerick, P56 PW31Description:
construction of new 2 storey annex incorporating granny flat, revisions to front porch & side/rear opes
5 No Dwellinghouses at Laherfineen The Spires, , Innishannon, Cork,Description:
Construction of 5 no dwelling houses on sites No's 7, 8, 9, 10 & 15 together with completion of access road, utilities and all associated site works
Extension to Dwelling at Rinclevan, Dunfanaghy (24/60626) Rinclevan, , Dunfanaghy, Donegal, F92 HR0CDescription:
Erection of an auxiliary extension to the side of existing dwelling house