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133256 results

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  • Dwelling Raheenteigue, , Tinahely, Wicklow,


    23/825 View details
  • San Antoine Cross Ave, , Dublin, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , A94 P9P5

    A) Demolition of existing single-storey conservatory to the rear of the existing dwelling measuring 11.96 sq.m and demolition of existing single-storey detached shed to the rear of the existing dwelling measuring 5 sq.m. B) Conversion of the existing attached garage to the side of the existing dwelling to habitable space to include a new window with obscure glazing to the front elevation. C) Construction of a new part-single storey, part-single storey-and-a-half extension to the rear and part two-storey extension to the side and rear of the existing dwelling resulting in an overall increase the gross floor space from 171.41 sq.m to 268.59 sq.m. D) Alterations to the roof profile to the side of the existing dwelling to the front elevation to accomodate new two storey extension. E) Alterations to the front elevation to include two new windows to the side wall of the existing bay projection at ground floor and first floor level. F) The widening of the existing vehicular entrance from 2888 mm to 3500 mm to include the construction of a new pillar to match the existing entrance pillar. G) All associated site and landscaping works.

    D24A/0132 View details
  • 7-11 Rathárd Avenue - Longview Estates, Ballyvolane, Cork Ráthard - Longview Estates, Ballyvolane, , Cork, Cork,

    Construction of addresses 7-11 Ráthard Avenue to be completed as part of neighbourhood 2 of Longview Estates (Ráthard), and associated site works.

    ABP-306325-20 View details
  • AR - 21 Luttrellstown View, Carpenterstown, Dublin 21 Luttrellstown View, , Dublin, Fingal, D15 A9FX

    1. Alterations of existing single storey extension to the side of the existing dwelling, 2. Construction of new single storey extension to the side and rear of the existing dwelling including new rooflights and canopy, 3. Construction of new first floor extension to the side of the existing dwelling including a new front porch, 4. Attic conversion with new rooflights to the rear roofslope, 5. Alterations to existing vehicular dwelling, 6. All associated alterations to the elevations, internal layouts, site drainage, ancillary and landscaping works.

    FW21A/0217 View details
  • 60 Dawson Street 60 Dawson Street, , Dublin, Dublin 2, D02 K330

    2,560sqm Office fit-out to 1st floor within Office Building at 60 Dawson Street. Works comprise new floor, wall and ceiling finishes to open plan office, cellular offices, reception, collaborative and meeting rooms and micro-kitchen.

    Application No.:
    View details
  • New Dwelling at Ballinteskin Ballinteskin, , Wicklow, Wicklow,

    New Block Dwelling and Slate roof

    22350 View details
  • New Dwelling house at site 46, Whitestrand, Aylesbury Park 46 Whitestrand, , Sligo, Sligo,

    Permission for construction of detached 2-storey dwelling house, to be numbered 46 on vacant plot, Phase 6, Whitestrand, Aylesbury Park with connection to public services and all associated works at Aylesbury Park, Knappaghmore, Second Sea Road Sligo.

    2360049 View details
  • Aftercare Facility - Magic Years Créche & Montessori Station View Carpenterstown Road, , Dublin 15, Fingal,

    The development will consist of the demolition of an outdoor WC area and storage shed and the erection of a single storey ground floor standalone building located on the grounds of an existing créche facility. The proposed new building is located to the rear of the site and will provide for a new aftercare service and an externally accessed WC. The works will also include landscaping and all ancillary site works to facilitate the development.

    FW22A/0251 View details
  • Carrowbrowne build Carrowbrowne, , Galway, Galway,

    Two storey with adjoining single storey

    23/61458 View details
  • Dwelling Gortnamona Gortnamona, , Schull, Cork,

    Construction of dwelling house, installation of wastewater treatment system and for all associated site works.

    21/654 View details



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