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Gibraltar Point Apartments 91-94 Second Sea Road, , Sligo, Sligo,Description:
2 story apartment building accommodating 4 apartments numbered 91,92,93 and 94.
Gibraltar Point Apartments 87-90 Second Sea Road, , Sligo, Sligo,Description:
2 story apartment building accommodating 4 apartments numbered 87,88,89 and 90.
Gibraltar Point Apartments 55-58 Second Sea Road, , Sligo, Sligo,Description:
2 story apartment building accommodating 4 apartments numbered 55,56,57 and 58.
Gibraltar Point Apartments 120-123 Second Sea Road, , Sligo, Sligo,Description:
2 story apartment building accommodating 4 apartments numbered 120,121,122 and 123.
Gibraltar Point Apartments 124-127 Second Sea Road, , Sligo, Sligo,Description:
2 story apartment building accommodating 4 apartments numbered 124,125,126 and 127.
Housing Development at Clonbrusk, Athlone Clonbrusk, , Athlone, Westmeath,Description:
Construction of two dwellings and one detached garage, new combined site entrance onto public road, connection to public surface water and foul sewer systems and public watermain and all associated site works
Construction of a storey and a half type house Agher, , Ardrums, Meath,Description:
Construction of a storey and a half type house, proprietary waste-water treatment system, vehicular entrance onto public road and all associated site works
146 Phibsborough Rd, Phibsborough, Dublin 7, D07 T3PN 146 Phibsborough Rd, Phibsborough, Dublin 7, D07 T3PN, , Dublin, Dublin 7,Description:
The proposed development will consist of 2.No three bedroom two storey townhouses totalling 200 sq.m. with private gardens and 3 No. car parking spaces to the rear. Vehicular access to the development is via the existing entrance to the St. Peter's Square Development while the townhouses are accessed separately via a laneway from Royal Canal Bank. Proposed landscaping and associated ancillary works include a communal open space, bicycle parking, permeable paving to the existing car parking area where 2. No. Spaces will be dedicated to the apartments in the new development.
146 Phibsborough Rd, Phibsborough, Dublin 7, D07 T3PN 146 Phibsborough Rd, Phibsborough, Dublin 7, D07 T3PN, , Dublin, Dublin 7,Description:
The development will consist of the demolition of the existing two storey mixed-use buildings at 146-147 Phibsborough Road and a derelict single storey dwelling known as 10 Eglington Terrace to the rear and construction of new mixed-use development. The proposed development is for a mixed-use block consisting of a restaurant & cafe space together with associated waste management and plant room areas totalling 325 sq.m. at ground floor level. The upper levels will comprise 17 No. apartments above provided in 2.No blocks of six storeys to Phibsborough Road, five storeys to the rear set around a central courtyard space at first floor level containing the lift and access decks. Recessed balconies are provided throughout and projecting balconies are provided to the east elevation of the rear block. The apartments consist of nine one-bedroom apartments and eight two-bedroom apartments totalling 1924 sq.m.
Dwelling house at Castlecraddock, Annestown, Co. Waterford Castlecraddock, , Annestown, Waterford,Description:
Erection of single storey dwelling house at Castlecraddock, Annestown, Co. Waterford