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Meadow Grove Alterations and Extensions 166 Meadow Grove, Dundrum, dublin_16Description:
a) Demolition of existing single storey extension to the rear, single storey outhouses and garage to the side, b) Construction of a two storey hipped roof extension to the front, side and part single/part two storey extension to rear. The proposed works result in an increase in habitable floor area from 100 sq.m. to 177sq.m., c) Internal and Elevational Alterations including hipped roof to new extension with the reconfiguration of the entrance porch, d) Widening of existing vehicular entrance to 3500mm, and, e) All associated site & landscaping works,
51 Glasanaon Road, Dublin 11 51 Glasanaon Road, Finglas East, dublin_11Description:
First floor extension over existing ground floor extension to rear and also for the construction of a single storey extension with 3 No. velux roof lights in roof at rear
Camile Blanchardstown Main St, Blanchardstown, dublin_15Description:
Permission for change of use of existing Bank (Permanent TSB) to on-line delivery restaurant, including alterations to existing shop front, new signage, new extract and ventilation plant to the roof, associated internal alterations, allocated space for waste disposal to rear and all associated site works.
49/50 Thomas Street 49/50 Thomas Street, Limerick, limerickDescription:
Internal alterations to ground floor only of existing public house premises with minor alterations to front facade and rear courtyard elevation.
Argueta Ardoyne Tullow Ardoyne, Tullow, wicklowDescription:
Single Storey Dwelling with associated siteworks at Ardoyne Tullow Co Wicklow ref ww 067023
Proposed New Poultry Unit Corderrybane, Castleblayney, Co Monaghan, Castleblayney, monaghanDescription:
Planning application to demolish 1 no. existing poultry house and to construct 1 no. poultry house and 1 no. covered collection/loading area, together with all ancillary structures (to include meal bin(s), concrete aprons etc.) and site works associated with the above development
Kieran & Una Kavanagh Scrahane, Killarney, kerryDescription:
Construction of two story dwelling with partial basement @ Scrahane, Muckross, Killarney, Co.Kerry
Storage Shed at Drumgold, Enniscorthy (for M.S.I.) Drumgold, Enniscorthy, wexfordDescription:
Erection of Storage Shed together with all associated site works
Revamp of Centra supermarket at Curraheen Bishopstown Cork Curraheen Bishopstown, Cork, corkDescription:
Revamp of Centra supermarket at Curraheen Bishopstown Cork
Application No.: -
Proposed dwelling at Ballynunry, The Rower, Co. Kilkenny. Ballynunry, The Rower, kilkennyDescription:
To erect a two storey dwelling house, detached garage, proprietary sewage treatment unit and associated percolation area, new borewell, new site entrance together with all associated site works