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Ballymackeogh, Newport Ballymackeogh, Newport, tipperaryDescription:
construction of a new two storey dwellinghouse to include installation of effluent treatment system, vehicular entrance access and all associated site development works
Farm Buildings Loughnagore, Farranfore. Loughnagore., Farranfore., kerryDescription:
Construct an easy feed slatted unit complete with under ground slurry storage tanks for over wintering cows. Construct a milking parlour and dairy complete with cattle holding areas. Construct a silage concrete base and apron. Construct a slurry tower. Construct a new farm entrance. Demolish existing cubicle house.
Change of use of retail to office at Dublin Airport Business Park Cloghran Dublin Airport Business Park, Swords Road, Cloghran, Dublin 9, Dublin 9, dublin_9Description:
Change of Use of that part of the ground floor previously permitted as retail in the permitted block at Dublin Airport Business Park to two number office units with minor modifications to the external façade on the east elevation, changing a double door to a single door.
Sandford Park School, Sandford Road, Ranelagh, Dublin 6 Sandford Park School , Sandford Road, Ranelagh, dublin_6Description:
placing of three number temporary classrooms during summer works at the Sandford Park School, Sandford Road, Ranelagh Dublin 6
Stitch A Name Kiosk, Liffey Valley Shopping Centre Liffey Valley Shopping Centre, Clondalkin, dublin_22Description:
The provision of a 6m2 kiosk (Stitch A Name) in the west mall of Liffey Valley Shopping Centre.
Application No.: -
Single Storey Extension to Existing Dwelling House 22 Rockpark Avenue, Tralee, kerryDescription:
To erect a single storey extension to existing dwelling house.
Holdforth's Domestic Garage 19 Athlumney Hall, Navan, meathDescription:
Construction of Detached Domestic Garage
dwelling house at Dooagh Slievemore Dooagh, Slievemore, , Achill, mayoDescription:
Demolition of existing single storey building and the construction of a two store dwelling
Porch & Extension to Front of House 27 Broookhaven Drive, Blanchardstown, dublin_15Description:
Porch and Extension to front of house with tiled roof over existing side extension for use as ancillary Accommodation for family member.
Convert attic space to habitable rooms Ballymakegoge, The Spa,, Tralee,, kerryDescription:
Convert existing attic space of an existing dwelling house into habitable rooms