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Scoil Chlochair Mhuire - Temporary Classrooms No.6 & No.7 (2015) Main Street, Carrigtwohill, corkDescription:
This application relates to the proposed installation of 2 No. single storey temporary portacabin modular buildings (Temporary Classrooms No.6 & No.7) which each consist of one new classroom, toilets, and entrance lobby which shall be located to the rear of Scoil Chlochair Mhuire Girls National School, Carrigtwohill, Co. Cork.
Michael & Theresa Martin Ballyvongane, Coachford, corkDescription:
Construction of a single storey dwelling house, garage and all associated site works @ Ballyvongane, Coachford, Co. Cork for Michael & Theresa Martin
15.23 McGirr Extension 17 Central Park, Mullingar, westmeathDescription:
Single Storey side Extension
Kilmarnock House Military Road, KillineyDescription:
Change of Use from a language centre to a dwelling house to include a) minor internal alterations/interventions, b) minor external elevation alterations/interventions, c) 3.5m2 bay window extension to the north elevation on the ground floor, d) roof garden & railings over part existing basement & all assocated site & landscape works above & below ground. Protected Structure
Alterations & Extensions to house at Balleeghan, Manorcunningham, Co. Donegal Balleeghan, Manorcunningham, donegalDescription:
Alterations & Extensions to house at Balleeghan, Manorcunningham, Co. Donegal for Emmet & Claudia Murray
Housing Development - Brackenstown / Phase 5 Naul Road, Brackenstown,, Swords,, dublinDescription:
29 no. Houses on usher park (house numbered 6 - 34) - granted planning permission under file ref no. F15A/0037
Paul O Leary & Caran Coughlan Barry Village, Barry Village, longfordDescription:
Retention and completion of existing partially constructed two storey extension to the rear of existing dwelling house and ancillary site works
Construction of 1 no. House Gurteenina, Midleton, corkDescription:
Construction of a dormer dwelling and associated site works
Housing Development - Brackenstown / Phase 4 Naul Road, Brackenstown,, Swords, dublinDescription:
5 no. two storey houses on Sites 1-5 Usher Park.
Jackie Mahon Lismoy, Newtownforbes, longfordDescription:
The replacement of existing percolation area servicing existing dwelling house which was previously granted Full Planning Permission under Planning Reference Number PL99/731 with a sand polishing filter as per Figure 8.5 of EPA Manual Code of Practice 2009 & all ancillary drainage works