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  • Extension to existing Day Care Centre at Court View, Mallow Court View, New Road, Mallow, cork

    Extension to existing day care centre at Court View, New Road, Mallow, Co.Cork

    14/55012 View details
  • Residential Development at Hollywoodrath, Hollystown, Dublin 15 Hollywoodrath, Hollystown, dublin_15

    Enabling works for residential development on a site at Hollywoodrath, Hollystown, Dublin 15. Includes 455 no. dwelling units on a site of approximately 27.3 hectares and associated site works. Accommodation to be provided as follows: 156 no. units of house types A1 to A8 consisting of 2 storey, 4 bed semi-dretached houses ranging in size from c. 143 sq.m to 146 sq.m; 184 no. units of house tyes B1 to B9 consisting of 2storey, 3 bed semi-detached houses ranging in size from c. 125 sq.m to 127 sq.m; 31 no. units of house types C1 and C2 consisting of 2 storey, 4 bed detached houses of c.157 sq.m.; 9 no. units of house types D1 and D2 consisting of 3 storey 5 bed detached houses of c. 219 sq.m for type D1 and c. 247 for type D2; 16 no. units of house types E1 and E2 consisting of 3 storey, 4 bed semi-detached housesof c. 226 sq.m for type E1 and c.195 sq.m for type E2; 9 no. units of house type F consisting of 2 storey 5 bed detached houses of c. 206 sq.m; 20 no. units of house types G1 to G3 consisting of 2 storey, 3 bed semi-detached/ terraced houses of c. 128 sq.m each; and 10 no. units of house type H consisting of 2 storey, 4 bed semi-detached houses of c. 143 sq.m each. The proposed development also includes a creche facility with a GFA of 709 sq.m; 2 new vehicular entrance to the site , one from the west (R121 Church Road) and one from the east (the Ratoath Road) ; individual house entrances from the R121/Church Road; all associated site and infrastructural works including foul and surface water drainage; surface car parking; public open spaces measuring 5.74 hectares; landscaping, boundary treatment; new internal roads, cycle paths and footpaths; all on a site of approximately 27.3 hectares. In addition the proposed developement provides for the reservation of approximately 3 hectares of the total site area for the future provision of a new public secondary school. See application ID 8361951 for further information

    FW14A/0108 View details
  • Frank Ryan - Alterations at Carrowbrowne Carrowbrowne, Headford Road, galway

    Alterations to internal layout including attic conversion to Living accommodation and alterations to elevations of existing dwelling house.

    14/1430 View details
  • Ardnagappary 38/110 kV Substation as part of Donegal Loop Line Gweedore Business Park, Ardnagappary, donegal

    1 No. Building 25 x 5.5 m with a pitched roof to 6.5 m height. Within the building there is a 9 x 5.5 m GIS room wth 1.25 m cable entry pit, a 10 x 5.5 m control room, a 4.3 x 2.5 m battery room, a 2.5 x 2 m stores and a toilet with washhand basin. There are also a transformer bund and arc suppression coil bund on site There is also equipment bases for a HIS busbar and line disconnects. There is associated rain water and foul water drainage.

    05.VA0003 View details
  • Brickfield House, Brickfield Drive, Dublin 12 Brickfield House, Brickfield Drive, Crumlin, dublin_12

    Upgrade works to Brickfield Warehouse and associated Offices to accommodate St James Hospital warehouse and associated office facilities

    Application No.:
    View details
  • Shamey Lyons Dwelling house extension at Clanrickard, Athleague, PD/15/64 applies Clanrickard, Athleague, roscommon

    Construction of an extension to dwelling house

    PD15/64 View details
  • Riverside Hotel Riverside, Sligo, sligo

    change of use of the Riverside Hotel building from an Aparthotel back to a hotel (parent application PD 06/70154 refers). This will require the change of use of the building from apartment hotel usage to hotel bedrooms (this aspect of the works relates to the 1st floor and 2nd floor of the building). The existing apart/bedroom numbers is 31 bedroom units and it is now proposed to convert 18 of the existing aparthotel rooms to create a total of 54 twin hotel bedroom spaces; to convert the ground floor commercial units into a function room, bar, toilets, storage and extended hotel foyer; to create a covered smoking shelter fronting onto the existing car park and a pedestrian access in the car park; alterations to elevations as a consequence of the above mentioned works and all associated ancillary works and also permission for retentionof solar panels located on the roof of the building

    15/8 View details
  • Extension to No.7 Orchard Close 7 Orchard Close, Manorcunningham, donegal

    Construction of a extension & all associated siteworks

    15/50125 View details
  • Clancy House Extension Derrywood, Durrow, laois

    Two storey extension

    15/45 View details
  • dwelling and garage at Kilquane Kilquane, Headford, Killarney, kerry

    Construction of a new dwelling and domestic garage, and installation of a mechanical aeration unit and polishing filter

    14/482 View details



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