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Extension at 20 Springfield, Dooradoyle 20 Springfield, Dooradoyle, Limerick, limerickDescription:
First floor extension to side of dwelling over existing single storey, attic accommodation with velux roof-lights, alterations to existing elevations and all ancillary site works at 20 Springfield, Dooradoyle, Limerick
Single storey Kitchen extension to rear. 23B Bellevue Park, BlackrockDescription:
Single storey kitchen extension to rear of property.
Tim Scannell dwelling, Milleeny Milleeny, Coolea, Macroom, corkDescription:
Construction of dwelling and domestic garage
New Dwelling and Garage at Ballincurrig, Leamlara Ballincurrig, Leamlara, corkDescription:
Demolition of existing derelict semi-detached dwellinghouse and garage and construction of new detached storey and half dwellinghouse with garage, new vehicular entrance and associated site works.
72 Baggot Street Lower, Dublin 2 72 Baggot Street Lower, -, dublin_2Description:
(A) Refurbishment, general conservation repair works and internal redecoration to the main terraced house only to include: relocation of the kitchen; repair works to existing doors; windows and conical rooflight; insertion of one no. new window in rear return; insertion of new conservation rooflight in main roof; alterations to non-historic partitions at second floor level and installation of two no. new ensuites. (B) External works to include: demolition of the existing lean-to shed and construction of a new railing; construction of new supporting structure to existing granite steps and raised platform (accessing between rear return and rear garden); removal of security grilles from selected windows. (B)Installation of new mechanical and electrical services throughout the main house and mews. (C) All landscaping and ancillary site works associated with the above development
35a Seafield Road West, Clontarf, Dublin 3 35a Seafield Road West,, Clontarf, dublin_3Description:
Widening of existing pedestrian access to form new vehicular access at front
alterations to existing single storey detached store at rear of 9 Beneavin Drive 9 benavin derive, glasnevin, dublin_11Description:
ptoposed alterations to existing single storey detached store at rear
Extension & Renovation of Existing Semi Detached House 52 Stiles Road, Clontarf, dublin_3Description:
The development will consist of extension and renovation of existing two storey dwelling house, extension to include: 1) Existing attached garage to be changed to playroom. 2) Demolition of single storey kitchen to rear and demolition of internal walls to allow for new design. 3) Construction of part single storey and part 2 storey extension to rear with basement under. 4) Construction and renovation of attic space to be used as a habitable bedroom and en-suite, with roof lights front and back on the roof. 5) Existing garage flat roof to be raised and existing door changed to glazing. 6) Widening of the existing entrance gate to allow for pedestrian and vehicle entrance.
Hyland_Garage Killagh, Doolin, clareDescription:
Domestic garage
Taughmon School, effluent station Taughmon School, Taughmon, Mullingar, westmeathDescription:
install an effluent pump station and to construct a reserve percolation area and all associated site works