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Pine Lodge Pine Lodge, Torquay Road, Foxrock, dublin_18Description:
Construction of a new two storey over part basement 4 bedroom dwelling
Sean & Fergal McDermott Killyfana, Redhills, cavanDescription:
Construction of 1 No. Free Range Poultry House and all associated ancillary structures and site works.
Beaumont Hospital, St Damiens Ward and H&I Lab Beaumont Hospital, Beaumont, dublin_9Description:
Material alterations to an existing 4th floor ward within St.Damiens ward and the extension to an existing H&I Laboratory at upper ground floor level over an existing flat roof below. Minor alterations are further proposed to previously approved offices along the adjoining corridor.
BD Front of Site Development Pottery Road, Dun LaoghaireDescription:
The construction of a two storey 3,800 sq. m. extension to the Pottery Road frontage to provide additional manufacturing and assembly floor area, offices work areas and quality control laboratory at ground floor and a customer care centre, support area and canteen at first floor level.
1 house at Kilavil Ballintrofaun, Killavil, sligoDescription:
Construction of dwelling house, garage, Effluent treatment system and soil polishing filter.
Bungalow at Kilmacleague East Kilmacleague East, Dunmore East, waterfordDescription:
Construct a new detached bungalow residence
Fitness Centre at Knocknabohilly, Kinsale Knocknabohilly, Kinsale, corkDescription:
Material Alteration and Change of use of existing commercial unit to fitness centre
Application No.: -
Upper Roche's Road, Rathkeale Roches Road, Rathkeale, limerickDescription:
the construction of a dwelling, site entrance, on site effluent treatment system
Unit J2 Drinan Enterprise Centre J2 Drinan Enterprise Centre, Feltrim Road, Swords, dublinDescription:
Provision of 3 no. Commercial kitchens with ancillary facilities for start up businesses within existing industrial unit J2 Drinan Enterprise Centre, Swords Enterprise Park, Feltrim Road, Swords.
Application No.: -
Sheahans - Randles Garage Muckross Road, Killarney , kerryDescription:
(a) Reduce Area of showroom by change of use to retail shop and coffee shop and associated storage. (b) reinstate 4 petroll pumps with canopy (c) signage (d) car parking and associated works